262 neck



my question is can you interchange cases that have been used in different guns & barrels but have the same 262 neck, all the cases are lapua 220 russian, the gun i'm usuing now should last this year and i have quite a bit of used brass that i could use to sharpen my skills with this year, new barrel will get new brass for next year. thanks for the help.
Yes you can. Make sure they are in good shape and the right
neck thickness. check the length. then full length re size them.
They should be ok for a while. If they are relatively new and not work hardened. U sually the best groups are with new cases. I have used cases from another rifle and did the following with good results. ps sometimes they need a bump back about .002
It also depends on the base size of the chambers. My current reamer has a a slightly smaller base than than an older one, though both are .261 necks. Anyway, cases with a couple of firings in the larger chamber need to be run through a small base die every time to be fired in the slightly smaller chamber (we're talking about .001 here). Not only that, but every time I fire them (in the smaller chamber), even though resized to fit, extraction is sticky.

It been said before; brass has a memory. Give it a try. If they are sticky, you'll just lose hair & say dirty words, so get new brass.
Just to back up what Charles said.

I fired some Lapua brass in a factory 6PPC with a chamber a few thou bigger at the base than my Panda. I tried a couple of cases from the loose chamber and after a full length size they would fit, for about 15 seconds !

It was actually possible to size the case, measure it and then remeasure it soon after and measure the growth.

Same applies to neck expansion for turning, leave them to long and they can shrink back enough to alter the fit on the turner.

If the brass fits properly from the first firing and is sized to fit each time the stuff just keeps fitting right even after 20 plus firings. Let it get to big just once and you might as well just start again with a new set of cases.
