260 Rem into my 308 action (both 700s)



I have a 260 Rem that I had rebarreled from a 22-250. All is well, but I have a feedign problem. Both were short actions, so I did not think it would be a big deal. I have another short action 308 that I may switch barrels with so I can shoot the 260 Rem as more than a single shot. I know they use the same bolt face, but should it be an easy switch? I hear about "headspace" and all, but am not really sure what that means.

Thanks - Jim
Jim, I did the same thing........

a .308 from a .22-250, and I had feeding problems, too when I used the magazine; it was a simple cure, I made sure all my rounds never exceeded 2.80 & it was good to go.
I'll try that. I have the 260 in a Knoxx Alumunum Stock right now, may have to do some inletting.

What detachible mag do you use? I have an H&S on the 308 and it rattles like hell, very loose.

When using the 260 case in your action based on the 22-250 case, I think a 308 magazine box, spring and follower may fix the feeding problem... try switching that over from your 308 first and test it.
Mr. Dennis, you are on the money. Thank you sir.

I have a 260 Rem that I had rebarreled from a 22-250. All is well, but I have a feedign problem. Both were short actions, so I did not think it would be a big deal. I have another short action 308 that I may switch barrels with so I can shoot the 260 Rem as more than a single shot. I know they use the same bolt face, but should it be an easy switch? I hear about "headspace" and all, but am not really sure what that means.

Thanks - Jim

Your plan is sound, it'll work like a dream.

Your gunsmith sets the headspace. Not your problem.

Jim, I didn't use a.............

detachable magazine, I used the one supplied.

Dennis, I could see the follower, but I didn't think there was much difference in the boxes themselves. Wouldn't that entail a change in the rails??
detachable magazine, I used the one supplied.

Dennis, I could see the follower, but I didn't think there was much difference in the boxes themselves. Wouldn't that entail a change in the rails??

I am not sure if the rails need to be altered... but the 22-250 follower and box aren't right...

The 22-250 box is quite tapered compared to the 308 box. The box is acting somewhat like the rails.. I just made a 6mm BR from a 22-250 action and had to use a 308 box with a rear mag "plug" and a 308 follower cut shorter. (As shown in Mike Bryant's website) The 22-250 box and follower were too tapered.