.224 jackets



i have been looking for some .224 dia 1.000 long jackets anyone know where i can find some ?
Part number = 62-224-1000
1800 jackets for $167.58 plus shipping.
Phone 714 447 5456
Fax 714 447 5478
i checked with berger and the lady said they are not selling them any more.
i called brunos and no luck,i think they might get their from berger because they told me their supplier was not selling any more .224 jackets 1.000 ,they need them for their own bullets. so i will have to make my own.
thanks for the help:confused:
i checked with berger and the lady said they are not selling them any more.
Thats bad luck indeed. Berger sent me that price list only two weeks ago!
Listing those jackets.
Try Sierra they will sometimes sell jackets . Try CH and Corbins .
bruno's called last night and they have decide to sell me some.
i guess berger is now making a thick jacketed bullet and that 's what the new jackets will be but i dont know if i will be able to get any more .
Yes I think you are correct . The new thick jacket production is causing product and supply changes . Just have to wait it out.