2230 Accurate


STBE Harris

Found some 2230 where I live now that is the closest I've been able to get for PPC and 6X47 (well have a can of H4895) is this stuff any accurate or should I keep searching the now thawed northland for some H322, Benchmark, V133? is that right?, BLC2, that I am more familair with? Damn this primer and powder shortage!
Thanks STBE
in my 223 br gun 2230 was ok, but 2200 data( a mil surplus) was better, n133 was even better, and one lot of 8208 was the best.....

223, not 6ppc, 52/53 not 58......

not enough 6ppc data.....

I use it in 6BR with 55-70gr bullets, and in the 17MIV with 25's. It's the best I've found for either of them.