.22 rifle decision



I need to get a .22lr rifle to maybe use in silhouette matches. I also want to try shooting it to 100 and 200 yards just for fun.
There is an Anschutz Match 64 single shot that I used to own and can buy back for about $450.00.
I also have a plain jane original Ruger 10/22 that I could do something with.
I have read good things about CZ rifles.

So, which would make the best, most accurate rifle? Would it make the most sense to buy the Anschutz back or spend the money tricking up the 10/22, or should I just buy a different rifle altogether?

If that is a really good value on the Annie I may buy it back just to keep and buy another or trick out the Ruger later.

I would go with the Anschutz if it was me. I spend more time shooting and not having to trick it up to get it to shoot. I would think the Anschutz has the better barrel and trigger already.

Depending on what rules your Club uses, you will need a sporter style rifle to compete as the Match will only fit the rules for the Small Bore Class.

I shoot and recommend a Anchutz 1712 and shoot it in both classes.

The Annie is back home. When I dig out the mount and put a scope on it I will take some pics. I may take a few with the olympic rear aperture installed.
Range report soon.
I will be shooting club matches. I will have to check to see if they go by CMP or NRA rules. If so we do have a fun match that should be less strict.
