22 hornet



any one have any info on a savage 219b 22 hornet. a friend of mine has one and is thinking of selling it. Iam thinking of buying it, I dont know what its worth of how good the gun is known to be. Please help.

The Blue Book of gn Values sasy the gun was discontinued in 1965 and is a break open top lever single shot rifle. The list the value to be:

100% $195 plus extra 15% for 22 Hornet
80% $100 lus extra 15% for 22 Hornet

Hope this helps
I owned one for some time.

They are on a shotgun chassis and as such have about a 6# trigger. Dont lend itself to good varmit accuracy.
thank you all for the info, this is the only place I could get any information on the gun. Thanks again.