22-250 ack load recommendations


New member
just came back from my shooting buddies machine shop with a new barrel chambered for 22-250 ackley with 1-14 twist and want to shoot 45 to 55 grain bullets. does anyone have any experience with this cartrige, favorite loads, or free advice. thanks in advance, lightman

My Favorite load is 40G of IMR 4895 using a Hornady 50G vmax Of the last 40 rounds I tested my average velocity was 4085 fps and the average 5 shot group was .357 with several groups in the middle 2s 40 grains of Varget was a close second choice for Powder. I am using 243 Winchester cases formed in a series of passes thru 243 and 22-250AI dies and Then cut to length and necks trimmed.
22-250 AI loads

My 22-250AI is a 1:8 twist for the heavies. 69 SMK are the lightest bullet I have shot. Send me a PM with your email and I'll give you some load tables that were given to me. Very useful. tiny
In that case W760 is very good, so is Reloder 15. I have 6 barrels in that chambering and Reloder 15 is what they're fed. Don't mess with bullets less than 50gr. With that 14" twist and depending on how fast your barrel is, the accuracy load should get 4100+ to 4200+ with 50's. That's moving along real nicely and just blows the crap out of pd's and rockchucks. With 55's you'll get 4000 anyway.
thanks guys, i will try some of these, soon. maybe this weekend. will have to get busy and turn some necks. sure hope it shoots like Stall's, we'll see. read about forming these from 243 brass, will try this also. thanks again, lightman
.22/250 AI Loads

I have two 22/250 AI barrels, one 14 and one 12 twist, both Shilen select match finished 26" long. Yes, I have been able to get over 4100 fps with 50 gr bullets and over 3900 fps with 55 gr bullets, but not without experiencing very short brass life. After 3-4 reloads the primer pockets are too enlarged to hold a new primer. Since most of my shooting is on PD towns with temperatures of 80 to over 100F I have reduced my loads about a grain of powder with much better case life. I too find WW760 to be a very good powder as well as AA2700. I have had good results with 55 and 60 gr bullets with several powders with a burn rate similar to H4350. I tried reforming .243 cases and found that it was too much work to form the hundreds of cases needed for a PD weekend shoot. I bought some Norma 6XC brass to see if they can be more easily formed to 22/250AI. I haven't shot any of these yet, but think they should work well. Vic
just came back from my shooting buddies machine shop with a new barrel chambered for 22-250 ackley with 1-14 twist and want to shoot 45 to 55 grain bullets. does anyone have any experience with this cartrige, favorite loads, or free advice. thanks in advance, lightman

So you can get and idea how to go with any AI ctg. Just use loading data for any of the parent ctgs of the AI for your starting loads and carefully work up from there. All the rules of load development still apply.:D

Vlcakc Making the 22-250AI cases from 243 winchester is not much fun, This is the first 250AI I have loaded for and Brass life is a concern. my reason for wanting a very High velocity is 2 fold (1) I really like blowing crows apart and (2) I need a rifle for ranges out to 400 yards that shoots very flat When crow hunting I dont have time to use a rangefinder and Only get 1 shot. In your reply you said you have picked up some 6xc cases Did you form any of them yet and if so was it eaiser than using the 243 cases.
thanks for the info, guys. hope to shoot it this weekend. would like to know how those 6xc cases work out. thanks again, lightman

I have some 22-250AI that were Norma 22-250 brass to start with. I annealed after fireforming with COW. I have +10 reloads on some of these using a necksizer and a shoulder bump. It is excellent brass. It isn't cheap to start with, but quality is exceptional. I also tried the Nosler Custom brass. I seems a little soft and I had lose primers after only a 3-4 firings. However, these were near max loads. Luck, tiny
22/250 AI Cases

Stall, I don't have all the answers yet on using 6XC brass to form 22/250 AI cases. I am working on a 22X47 Lapua project at the moment and haven't gotten back to 22/250 AI forming. I used a Redding 22/250 AI body die to start the necking down process. I plan to use a Redding 22/250 AI FL die to finish the forming. You might be able to neck down in one pass, but the body die starts the process very nicely. I don't have a 22/250 AI barrel mounted on an action right now ( switch barrel rifle ) and don't want to finish the case forming operation until I can check the case/chamber fit. I prefer a light crush fit of case in chamber for fire forming. Also I'll need to check neck diameter of a loaded round to make sure the clearance is adequate. But to answer your question, I think it will turn out to be a simple one or two stage neck down operation. No setting back the shoulder or trimming like the .243. I'll post more later after i've had time to work on it some. Vic

Vic I am going to have to get the specs on a 6xc case and look into that. I don't blame you for not starting the fireforming until you are ready to use the barrel I would do the same, thanks for the Info.
22/250 AI Cases

I switched a 22/250 AI barrel back on an action this afternoon and finished the Norma 6XC to 22/250 AI case conversion. After fire forming with a starting STANDARD 22/250 Rem load of AA2700 and a 50 gr VMax bullet, I ended up with a nicely formed 22/250 AI case. The case body / shoulder was not quite as sharp as I usually get, but I usually fire form with a max or near max STANDARD 22/250 Rem load. The case I formed will work fine, but with the fire forming load I usually use I think the shoulder / body will be sharply formed. Case length was about 0.002" longer than fire formed regular 22/250 RP cases. A light trimming back to about 1.89" will square up the case neck and make certain the length is ok. The case neck wall is definitely a bit thicker with the 6XC cases than with regular 22/250 RP brass. Just how much thicker will have to wait until tomorrow when I can retrieve my ball mic from the shop. I may need a very light neck turn to gain adequate neck clearance.
As described in an earlier post the case prep consists of a simple necking down operation creating a false shoulder in the 6XC case neck. This would be similar to the prep used to form 22 Dasher cases from 6BR brass. Just make sure the false shoulder is a snug fit in the chamber.
The current generation of Norma 6XC brass has an excellent reputation for quality and toughness. I am hoping they will make great 22/250 AI cases. A lot more testing is in order, but will have to wait until I've had a chance to play with my new 22X47 Lapua barrel some more. Vic

Thanks for the Information Vic I picked up 200 winchester cases from a retailer in st louis last summer and they formed perfectly in the forming dies. I had to scrounge together 150 more cases and they were from 2 different lott numbers and they did not form as well. I was getting a ring just below the shoulder area where the cases were starting to fold. but after fireforming this is almost Invisible. I was cruising a local gun shop here in ohio last week and found they only had 4 bags of 243 winchester cases and they were from the same lott of brass that worked so well that I found In St Louis what luck. I almost ran from the store with them.Now I have 400 cases and really don't need that many so I am only going to form 250 of them and rat hole the rest.
22-250AI Out of 243 brass ?

Tell how are you going to do this? Why are you going to do that?Whole lot of trimming?

I guess the main reason is the friend/gunsmith who was going to chamber the round already had the reamer in the standard 22-250AI configuration. I wanted a gun with a tight neck and the standard 22-250 cases would not fit the neck area as closely as I wanted. It all started in an effert to find a case that was a closer fit to the 22-250AI chamber. The standard 22-250 measures .473 at the rim and .414 @ 1.515 inches The 22-250AI is as you know .473 and .454 @ 1.524 When fireformed in the 22-250AI chamber the 22-250 cases were somewhat hard to extract and there was sort of a ring around the base of the cases from the case being blown out to a full .454. the 243 winchester cases were .473 @ the base and .473 @ 1.560 These offered a closer match to the AI chamber and also allowed us to turn the necks to whatever diameter we wanted. The sizing process is really not that time consuming and the only special die that is needed is a 243 full lenght die that has had the bottom ground as to allow the shoulder to be set back a little. After the cases are run thru the dies and cut to length and trimmed and I will admit that that part sucks. The cases are almost an Identical fit to the chamber before fireforming. The standard load for these is 40 grains of varget and a 50G bullet. We are generally getting groups in the .3 for the first loading and then somewhat better with the second loading. Of the last 40 cases I shot on the first loading the average group size was .327 with an average velocity of 4085.

You can rent a reamer for $30-40 from several sources and some have a tighter neck 22-250AI. I got mine from www.reamerrentals.com and it is a 22-250 Match (min spec). I think it was a 0.246" neck but I don't have my print in front of me. Whole lot easier than making brass. Maybe not as fun thought...:rolleyes:


Renting a reamer never even crossed my mind. I will remember that because my next rifle is going to be a 6mmbr and I dont know anyone who has a reamer for that one. Making the brass is really not much fun but I spend around 40 hours a week in a hotel and I just take an ammo case of them with me to trim while Im waiting, It gives me an excuse to stay out of the gym.
Finally got to shoot it, late today.Work and weather [ samething in my line of work] kept me away from the range for several weeks. Shot several different bullets, same load, all under .5 inch. Was very pleased and can't wait to load the fireformed cases to see how they do. thanks for all of your advice. Lightman