2025 Cactus top 5

Top 5 2-Gun

1. Ed Adams .2324
2. Gary Ocock .2606
3. Joel Nader .2679
4. Jack Neary .2878
5. Steve Epstein .2979

Top 5 Light Varmint Grand
  1. Joel Nader .2127
  2. Jack Neary .2405
  3. Ed Adams .2449
  4. Gary Ocock .2516
  5. Jim Aylor .2648
Top 5 Heavy Varmint Grand
  1. .Ed Adams
  2. Gary Ocock .2696
  3. Jarrod Hahn .2814
  4. Durward Wofford
  5. Doug Ruble .2900

Top 5 HV 100 Top 5 HV 200
1. Ed Adams .1846 1. Ed Adams .2552
2. Steve Epstein .2368 2 .Doug Ruble .2930
3. Gary Ocock .2378 3. Gary Ocock .3015
4. Durward Wofford .2418 4. Jarrod Hahn .3067
5. Jack Neary .2466 5. Lester Bruno .3134

Top 5 LV 100 Top 5 LV 200
1. Steve Epatein .1710 1. Ed Adams .2354
2. Joel Nader .1824 2. Lester Bruno .2410
3. Gary Ocock .1928 3. Joel Nader .2429
4. Richard Genaro .2240 4. Jack Neary .2497
5. Jim Wheeler .2296 5. Jim Aylor .2573
WOW!!!....Congratulations to Ed Adams and all the winners.
Any chance of equipment list and maybe loading data?
Thanks for the posting of the match.
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well since the management of the org HAS DECIDED the az benchrest shooters can no longer have sanctioned matches, you may never see results again. i suggest you vote for new representation. i got mine by email, ..and no i have zero luck trying to post an attachment.
well since the management of the org HAS DECIDED the az benchrest shooters can no longer have sanctioned matches, you may never see results again. ... i got mine by email, ..and no i have zero luck trying to post an attachment.
What reasoning did the org decide that az benchrest shooters could no longer hold sanctioned matches?

Regarding the results you got via email, if you'll forward that email (with results attached ) to BenchrestCentral at protonmail dot com I may be able to find someone who can post the results here.
What reasoning did the org decide that az benchrest shooters could no longer hold sanctioned matches?

Regarding the results you got via email, if you'll forward that email (with results attached ) to BenchrestCentral at protonmail dot com I may be able to find someone who can post the results here.
If you read the 2024 and 2025 minutes the sequence of events are reported.
Here is the link to the minutes https://www.nbrsa.org/board-minutes/
If you read the 2024 and 2025 minutes the sequence of events are reported.
Here is the link to the minutes https://www.nbrsa.org/board-minutes/
this is in the board mtg record...
"Mr. Zaccanti told Mr. Sosenko this was brought to the board back in January by the Arizona Benchrest Shooters in a special meeting and their request to change the rotation was denied." that would be jan of 24 and as of the month before the nationals in phoenix....NO NOTIFICATION IN WRITING HAD BEEN REC'D AT BEN AVERY. THE ORG WENT ahead with their proposed rotation plan. AGAIN NO ONE SAID NO TO AZ BR SHOOTERS in print. this is what caused the problem.
the board has FAILED and just acts like the failure does not exist.... they need to find PROOF that the azbr org was provided a NO answer in print and maybe proof of delivery. no one in az ever heard a peep of a denial.
as a side note, there is no published meting notes on the jan 24 meeting mentioned above. while not a conspiracy nut, this allows a person to reproduce history to support what they said recently.