2023 National 50 Benchrest League Championship Results - NRA Whittington Center, Raton, NM


2/28/24: Butt-Heads are posting ads at bottom. I reported them

2023 N50 Nationals, NRA Whittington Center, Raton, NM is history. Constant threats of thunder storms made us nervous but good weather prevailed. Every late afternoon met us thunder and lightning . Saturday morning gave us surprising strong switchy winds and Sunday's conditions were more pleasant.
Really nice folks (old & new) in this sport - I'm happy to call them all my friends.

Sorry guys.. It was dumb to post only the top ten. The reason - I was tired and that's my "excuse". I apologize.

Pellet Class: Pellets only up to 30 caliber.
Pellet Class 2.jpg

Sportsman Class: Slugs and RF. Pellets are allowed.
Sportsman Class 2.jpg

Pro Class: Custom Slugs and Unlimited RF. Pellet & Sportsman class allowed.
Pro Class 2.jpg

Combined Class: Sum of all 3 primary classes
Combined Class 2.jpg

Pellet Combined Class: Pellet only rifle used in all 3 primary classes.
PelletCombined Class 2.jpg

Photo request. I was busy so I didn't get enough, please share.

The wait....

The line.


N50: https://www.national50.net/
FB N50: https://www.facebook.com/50National/
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