2023 N50 National Championship Registration is now open!
Registration and payment is being handled through Practscore.
If you have not created a FREE Practiscore account before, you will be prompted to do so before registering. You will need a valid email to create your FREE Practiscore account.
Practiscore allows us to greatly simplify our registration and scoring processes.
You can pay for your registration with a credit card on the Practiscore registration page.
After you register, you will receive an email from Practiscore saying you are registered. If you follow the link in your email you may see some squadding options. These do not apply to our event and do not require any future action from you.
Registration cost is $250 and enters you in all 3 classes. Your registration includes your cost of the awards banquet. If you wish to bring someone to the banquet with you please select the appropriate box…the extra cost is $25.00.
Here is the Registration link
2023 N50 National Championship Registration | PractiScore
Registration is currently limited to the first 50 shooters.
We look forward to seeing everyone again this August.
Registration and payment is being handled through Practscore.
If you have not created a FREE Practiscore account before, you will be prompted to do so before registering. You will need a valid email to create your FREE Practiscore account.
Practiscore allows us to greatly simplify our registration and scoring processes.
You can pay for your registration with a credit card on the Practiscore registration page.
After you register, you will receive an email from Practiscore saying you are registered. If you follow the link in your email you may see some squadding options. These do not apply to our event and do not require any future action from you.
Registration cost is $250 and enters you in all 3 classes. Your registration includes your cost of the awards banquet. If you wish to bring someone to the banquet with you please select the appropriate box…the extra cost is $25.00.
Here is the Registration link
2023 N50 National Championship Registration | PractiScore
Registration is currently limited to the first 50 shooters.
We look forward to seeing everyone again this August.
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