2022 IR5050 Cal State/SW Reg Results


Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters hosted the 2022 IR50/50 California State Championship, and Southwest Regional Championship at the Sac Valley Shooting Center this past weekend.
Originally it looked like we might have more of the 110* plus temps we had been experiencing and smoke from the big Mosquito fire, but we got lucky (?) with a front coming in which cooled things down quite a bit and blew most the smoke to the NE. More on the winds later!

Day One:
We started Saturday morning with the State 50 yd match in mild but switchy conditions.

Card 1 Dennis DiFeo visiting from Oregon set the tone for the weekend by throwing down a range record 250 22x, followed closely behind by fellow traveler Mellisa Monson at 249 19x, Brett Berger 3rd at 248 18x.
Card 2 was again dominated by the invaders from the north with both shooting 250’s, Dennis winning the X count over Mellisa 17 to 15,
Dan Lutke taking 3rd with a 249 14x.
Card 3 was more of the same but this time Mellisa took 1st with a very nice 250 21x, with Dennis 2nd at 249 13x, and Pierre Bigras 3rd with a 249 10x.

3 Card Cal State Yardage Agg:
1st Mellisa Monson: 749 55x
2nd Dennis DiFeo: 749 52x
3rd Pierre Bigras: 746 36x

We then moved the frames to 50 Meters for the 2nd 3-Card as the wind started to pick up.

Card 1 was won by Pierre with the only 250 at meters a nice 250 17x. 2nd was Dennis with a 249 17x, 3rd was Mellisa, with a 248 14x.
Card 2 was won by Mellisa with a 248 16x, 2nd Francis Lee with a 247 13x, 3rd Dennis with a 247 6x.
The winds of the Ione Triangle are picking up!
Card 3 was won by Dennis with a 246 10x, 2nd was Mellisa @ 242 5x, 3rd was Francis @ 242 3x.

3 Card Cal State Meters Agg:
1st Dennis DiFeo: 742 33x
2nd Mellisa Monson: 738 35x
3rd Pierre Bigras: 735 31x

6 Card Aggregate
California State Champion:
Dennis DiFeo 1491 85x
2nd Place: Mellisa Monson 1487 90x (High X count)
3rd Place: Pierre Bigras 1481 67x

Day 2:
We started Sunday morning back at 50 yards, with the wind increasing from where we left off Saturday.
Tailwind out of the south switching from 8:00 to 4:00 started @ 5-10mph and by the time we were on the last card we were having a hard time keeping the frames up and stationary, stuff was blowing off benches, it was cranking 20-25 with gusts over 30mph. Definitely the toughest conditions I have ever shot a Rimfire match in,
and certainly lived up to our reputation for a tough place to shoot. Some still managed to navigate the tough conditions, and as always the cream rises to the top.
I told the folks from Oregon this is what happens when you embarrass the Winds of the Ione Triangle with those 250 high x counts.
The wind gods will exact their revenge!

Card 1 was won by Brett with a 250 17x, 2nd Pierre with a 249 9x, 3rd Mellisa with 248 14x.
Card 2 was won by Dennis with a 250 18x, 2nd Mellisa with a 250 15x, (what do they feed these people in Oregon anyway?), 3rd Brett with a 249 14x.
Card 3 was won by Mellisa with another 250 15x, 2nd Dennis with a 249 21x (!), 3rd Francis with a 249 16x.

3 Card SW Regional Yardage Agg:
1st Mellisa Monson 748 44x
2nd Brett Berger 748 40x
3rd Dennis DiFeo 746 51x

We moved the frames to 50 Meters and tried to get enough weight on the bases to where we weren’t losing frames. The winds continued to pick up as the scores reflect, although the rain didn’t start until we were done shooting.

Card 1 was won by Mellisa with a very nice for the conditions 248 12x, 2nd was Dennis with a 247 14x FM 14, 3rd Pierre with a 247 14x FM 1.
Card 2 was won by Dennis with a 245 13x, 2nd Pierre with a 245 10x, 3rd Dan with a 244 9x.
Card 3 was won by Dennis with a 248 11x, 2nd Francis with a 244 13x, 3rd Pierre with 244 10x.

3 Card SW Regional Meters Agg:
1st Dennis DiFeo 740 38x
2nd Pierre Bigras 736 34x
3rd Mellisa Monson 733 29x

6 Card Aggregate:
Southwest Regional Champion
Dennis DiFeo 1486 89x
2nd Place: Mellisa Monson 1481 73x
3rd Place: Pierre Bigras 1481 62x

Thanks to all the participants, helpers, and especially Match Director Dan Lutke, we couldn’t do this without him!
Also a special shoutout to Dennis and Mellisa for making the trip down from Oregon and showing us Californians how to shoot!
Sure did impress the hell out of this city boy.
Complete results attached.

Correction: Don't know why, but it won't let me upload the files,
they are over on Rimfire Accuracy if you are interested.

What the H
Did you only have four shooters or were they that dominant?
That’s some fine shooting there.
Now quit sending the smoke to the northeast. Well, gun smoke is alright.