2022 IR 50/50 Nationals


Well-known member
The IR 50/50 National were held this past weekend.

Jason Frymier with his team did an outstanding job putting on the event. Tom had to recover the targets from the backers much of the time in the rain, but he never complained.

I have no idea how Jason did what he did. He shot, and shot well, ran the match in a completely safe and professional manner, and allowed everyone to have a great time.

Oh yea, he also scored all the targets. You know, in his spare time.

My hat is off to him.

The weather could have been better. In the mornings we froze. It was in the 40's. with rain. Mid-morning the sun would come out and the mirage would get cranked up, steam coming off the wet grass. By the afternoon we would be cooking with temps in the near 80s with high humidity.

We had wind, we had calm, and it all happened at the same time. There was no prevailing wind, but there was wind.

I believe my point of aim (POA) was as much on the right of the target as the left.

If you were a shooter that picks one or two conditions and only shoot those conditions, you might still be shooting.

Despite the weather there were some outstanding targets shot. I believe the highest targets shot were 250 22X cards. Barry Harris, Scott Albury, Bruce Hornstein, and I, shot one each.

This year the IR 50/50 Nationals consisted of three main events. The Sporter Nationals, the 3-Gun Nationals and the Unlimited Nationals.

These are quite different events although they use the same target.

The Sporter Nationals requires one to shoot a rifle of not more than 7.5 lbs. and scope of not more than 6.5 power and it must be shot off sandbags front and rear.

The course of fire is three targets shot at 50 Yards and three targets shot at 50 meters. Highest 6 target agg. is declared the IR 50/50 Sporter Nationals Champion.

Bruce Hornstein won the title.

The 3-gun Nationals requires one to shoot two targets with the sporter rifle. One yards, one meters. Rifle must be shot off sandbags front and rear.

Shoot a rifle of not more than 10.5 lbs. any scope but shot off sandbags front and rear.

Two targets one yards, and one meters.

Shoot a rifle of not more than 13.5 lbs. any scope but shot off sandbags front and rear.

Two targets one yards, and one meters. Highest 6 target agg. is declared the IR 50/50 3-gun Nationals Champion

The IR 50/50 Unlimited Nationals allows any rifle including rail guns and any rest including one-piece rests, and any scope.

Course of fire is three targets at 50 yards and three targets at 50 meters. Highest 6 target agg. is declared the IR 50/50 Unlimited Nationals Champion.

Note: I don't know why but the site will not let me post pics of the results.

So, I'll just list the top three from each event. If you go to facebook IR 50/50 you can see all the scores. https://www.facebook.com/ir5050/

Sporter: 1. Bruce Hornstein, 2. Tony Harper, 3. Barry Harris

3-Gun: 1. Tony Harper, 2. Bruce Hornstein 3. Jason Frymier,

Unlimited: Robert Oats, 2. Eric Nester, 3. Tony Picarelli

As one can see IR 50/50 shooting is a complex undertaking. Too complex for most these days. But I can assure you the guys that choose to take this up are among the most talented and dedicated shooters in the country.

Many, if not most, of the attendees this year are local, state, and National Champions from previous years.

We even had Maurice Hazzard, from Ireland attend. Marice has won the world RFBR Championship and many events overseas and in this country.

You choose to shoot IR 50/50 not because it is easy, but because it is hard!

PS: I updated my post to include the 250 22X card Barry Harris shot. I should know by now to always look for Barry when looking for high targets.
Sorry Barry.

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Congrats on some fine shooting Tony! Great post, well written, and informative. I kept up with the scores as it went along, some great scores by a lot of folks. And yeah, this stuff ain't easy. LOL
Nice post Tony. Well written and as others have said, informative to those that do not shoot IR, especially the Sporter and 3-gun classes. Jason did run a good match. Also, as an ARA co-match director who also shoots the matches my partner and I run, running a match and scoring the cards is a difficult undertaking for anyone who is also participating. Jason did well at wearing several different 'hats' during the competition. Was my first IR Nationals and I was happy I attended! Will most likely attend the next one.

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