2016 Pennsylvania (Pa.) Benchrest shooting season


Well-known member
This year in Pa. we have more places to shoot than ever before. We have four clubs/ranges offering full IR 50/50 Shooter of the Year (SOTY) schedules, and three ranges shooting ARA matches.

Only one club (Mckeesport) will be offering a three gun SOTY schedule. It appears IR 50/50 Unlimited is gaining in popularity. McKeesport will also be offering a full SOTY season of IR 50/50 unlimited matches. Three gun in the morning, followed by unlimited matches in the afternoon.

This year Fairchance will be offering an unlimited SOTY schedule. They will also be holding the unlimited Nationals, as well as the Pa. state, and Northeast regional matches.

Yes, everyone knows Fairchance is a tough range, maybe one of the toughest in the country. It is understood that we will not see a lot of low light, flat lander’s shooting there. But this year, for the first time, Fairchance is reaching out in an attempt to draw some of these low light shooters. They are starting the SOTY matches at 7 PM. on Friday nights.

Don’t worry if you forget to bring your wind flags, you can just watch the power turbines on the ridge, just off the right side of the range.

Wilson’s Range will be offering a complete SOTY season for unlimited matches and also offering ARA matches.
Farriers Run will be doing the same. Some matches are scheduled on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. So take a good look at the schedule.

This year Cowanesque Valley R&G will be holding ARA matches. Then we have a new range, Hillside R&G also holding ARA matches.

I would like to give a shout out to our match directors. These guys make all of this possible:

McKeesport Sportsman Assoc. Jeffery Matthews

Fairchance R&G. William Reahard

Wilson’s Range. Dan Wilson

Farrier’s Run Range. Jim Peightal

Hillside R&G. Tim Stratton

Cowanesque Valley R&G. Tim Stratton

These matches are open to anyone, just show up and shoot. You will be made welcome at any of these events. If you are new to the sport, let us know, and you will have more help than you probably want.

For you old timer’s, you are always welcome at any Pa. match, but you know you want to get some Fairchance this year! It is always 50 benches of fun!

First match at McKeesport Sunday, 3 April 2016. See you there.

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