2015 IBS Group Nationals - LV100 results

Looks like there is going to be some tough competition when the NBRSA nationals gets here as always. Looking forward to it. Congratulations Wayne, good shooting. Also, glad to see Tony shooting since he didn't shoot in the HB class. I had wondered if he was there.
Today went well. Conditions were pretty mild for Weikert. If your rifle did not dot...you were out...

Many thanks to Husky Hummel and his Short Bus Brewing Company of Belltown, PA. After the last shot he set up a 1/6 keg of his blonde ale and a cooler full of goodies, such as his grapefruit infused IPA (delicious!) plus a variety of hot wings from the kitchen of Union County Sportsman's Club. This was totally unexpected and fantastic after a hot day at the range! Husky is da man! :)

Jeff Stover