2015 East West Show Me Shoot Out



The East West Shooters Shootout is coming up June 20-21 so it's getting close to the start of the match and from the looks of it we are going to have a great turnout. I thought that I would pass on some match particulars:

1. We will be shooting three relays.
2. We will shoot the same bench all day Saturday and then rotate half the range for Sunday so we will only need to move flags once.
3. We will start the bench draw at 3:00 on Friday afternoon.
4. The range will be open on Friday for practice with a range oficer on site. It is also open on Wednesday and Thursday for those who want to come in early for more practice.
5. We will be closing the range at 5:00 on Saturday for target setup and flag setting.
6. We start shooting at 8:00 am both days.
7. We will have breakfast and lunch available for purchase on both Saturday and Sunday.
8. This match is also know as a Money Match. The cash option at this match is $60.00 with 100% of all funds collected being used for payout. A complete explanaition of how the cash option is paid out will be posted in the clubhouse.
9. Right now the weather looks great for the weekend, but the range is going to be a little soggy due to A LOT of rain latley. Plan accordingly for flag setting.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or need anything. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday!
Joe Fesi
(314) 800-8921
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