2014 USBR NATIONALS OCT. 11th & 12th


This year the USBR Nationals will be held at the Angelina Rifle & Pistol Club in Lufkin, Texas.
The format has been changed to where we will shoot 3 cards which each gun. The aggregate of all 3 cards will determine the winners of each class, and the Aggregate of all 9 cards will determine the National Champion.
Unlimited, and Custom gun on Sat. & Sporter class on Sun. After the Sporter class is completed, we will shoot the regular club match consisting of one card per class.
Competitors will draw for benches for each class, but will shoot all 3 cards for that class from the same bench, which will minimize the moving of equipment and flags.
For a full program, and entry form, contact
Evelio Mc Donald at emcdonald5@comcast.net or call 281-893-1405.