2013 NBRSA 600 and 1000 Yard Nationals

ELR Researcher

Registered User
I just received a copy of the Sloughhouse schedule for 2013 and find the dates for the NBRSA 600/1000 Nationals to be, at best, "poor". Specifically, anyone wanting to ONLY shoot the 600 and 1000 benchrest matches will either have to commit to two trips or staying at least 7 (SEVEN) days (the 600 yard match runs 4/23-24 with practice on the 22nd and the 1000 yard match runs 4/27-28 with a rain day on the 29th) – thanks entirely to putting the F-class stuff in the middle of the schedule (4/25-26). I've e-mailed the "Southwest Director" asking, "Any chance of the schedule being changed to have the F-class at the very beginning or very end - with the rain day after the last regularly scheduled BR date?"

For the folks driving a distance (I drive 350 miles one way - and hate that drive), two trips is a simple "not happening". I suspect several others drive further. Nuff said.

If you agree with my suggestion, please let the "Southwest Director" know.

Happens now and then - folks trying to use a "nationals" to promote additional events. Pretty sure the BOD won't go for it...unless there's an unknown agenda..er...logical explanation. Do all you can to make sure this issue comes up at the annual BOD meeting. Those outside the SW region should contact their own director if so inclined.

Thank you for the input on this matter. I for one would like to see the NBRSA Long Range Nationals be a Benchrest match without the F-Class being held in between the 600 and 1000 yard long range nationals. For me the F-Class Benchrest is a distraction which takes away from the Long Range Nationals that we are there to attend.

When they have the F-Class Benchrest between the 600 and 1000 yard Nationals there is no practice or sight in period for the shooters to adjust their scopes and get dialed in from 600 to 1000 yards. This makes for an interesting first day when most of the shooters are trying to get on target and delaying the shooters from a timely start.

Last year there were 3 shooters who never shot long range before at the 1000 yard nationals. The first sight in period was stopped for 15 minutes while the person running the match tried to get them on the target and all the shooters could do is sit and wait. We ended up with two 3 minute sight in periods with a 15 minute wait between the two 3 minute sight in periods instead of one 6 minute sight in period. I understand helping shooters and this is the Nationals we are talking about and would like to see where in the rule book this is allowed. That was not the only incident of shooters not being on paper at the 1000 yard nationals in Sacramento last year.

The range master calling the line simply states you should have come to the F-Class Benchrest so you could be on target. This is another $50.00 to shoot a discipline some have no interest in shooting and possibly another 80 rounds down your barrel. I personally feel the shooters would be better served with one sight in day instead of being held hostage to pay a fee if you want to sight in and shoot the F-Class Benchrest. Sacramento is the only range to my knowledge that shoots F-Class Benchrest. Is this fair for the shooters who travel across the country to shoot the NBRSA 600 and 1000 yard Benchrest Nationals? Is it fair for any shooter who wants to attend the NBRSA 600 and 1000 yard nationals that have no desire to shoot F-Class Benchrest to not have a day to practice and get sighted in without paying an additional $50.00?

This would be no Different than going to the NBRSA short range nationals and have to shoot varmint for score in the middle of the short range nationals. Not everybody is going to embrace the different discipline in the middle of the nationals. If they want to shoot F-Class Benchrest it should be before or after the 600-1000 yard nationals. The shooters who want to or do not want to shoot F-Class Benchrest have a choice outside of being stuck shooting or waiting for two days between the 600-1000 yard events.

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I don't really *know* anything about the situation, but from Lynn's grumbles a few years ago, most of us gathered there were only about 35 shooters at the NBRSA 1,000 yard Nationals. Not very many.

I don't think many of us East of the Rockies have any idea at all about how many shoot the 600 yard NBRSA Nationals, or even if there is one...

Sooo. Could it be the host club is trying to "grow bencherst" by having a very convenient (for them) F-class match at the same time, so the F-class guys could compete in the HG portion of the BR matches?

& if this runs counter to the spirit of the "Nationals" for you guys, yeah, you'd better let the SW director know.

Point well taken and overall attendance is down. Sacramento has an F-Class Benchrest match every month and to my knowledge no F-Class shooters have migrated over to shoot Benchrest at the NBRSA Long Range Nationals. Some F-Class shooters shot the NBRSA 600-1000 yard nationals before there was any F-Class Benchrest, no new shooters to my knowledge have migrated over.

As said before I have no problem if they run their F-Class Benchrest Nationals that only one club supports. Do it before or after the 600-1000 yard nationals so we are not held hostage between the 600-1000 yard shoot to either shoot or sit for two days. This would seem to be a common courtesy to the shooters that travel a long distance. Give the shooters a choice to come early or stay late if they wanted to shoot F-Class benchrest. Keep the Long Range Benchrest nationals just that, A Long Range "BENCHREST" Nationals. Myself I am two hours from the range and can come home and reload and relax for two days. Not all shooters have that option and it would be nice to have the 600 yard nationals followed by one practice/sight in day then 1000 yard nationals. If you saw how many shooters are not on paper for the 1000 yard nationals you would also support a sight in day to get dialed in.

An email was sent out asking if we wanted the 600-1000 yard nationals in one location or two different locations. I didn’t realize that having one location would mean they would slip their F-Class Nationals in the middle.
