2013 List Hats


Bob Pekaar

Are the 2013 List members going to get their baseball caps ? Is this honor to be continued ?
Thanks Boss
I have the hats. I have asked Rachael for a list of who gets them. As soon as I get that we will do our best to get them to every winner. I am also having 2014 hats made. I want to continue the hat and jacket program. When you spend what we do shooting and all we get is a little recognition, we definitely want to recognize all those who have supported IR50/50 and shot well.
Hats and Jackets

Thank you very much for your response. When you're mediocre shooter like me you have to travel a heck of a lot to get those points. I figure I spent about $3-4,000 for a ball cap, bot it was fun and worth more to me than the wood.
Bob Pekaar