2012 World Postal Championships



Qualifying for the nine (9) Team USA slots ends on June 30, 2012. You can shoot LV or HV, your choice. Qualifying will be based on the scores from the outdoor division of the USA Scoreline. This is a best 9 of 15 targets format to make this fair and equitable.

Those that qualify must shoot at one of the three (3) regional events.

Salem, New York August 4-5, contact Todd Banks
Oxnard, California September 9, contact Joe Friedrich
Grants Pass, Oregon October 2, contact Mike Hopkins

All other shooters at these events may submit their scores as individuals. This means that an individual can win the 2012 World Postal Championship by shooting 3 targets better than the best in the world.

We believe this 2012 World Postal Championships may have more participants than any other air rifle benchrest event in history.
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LV OR HV, not both?

I can answer that for you Todd, the WRABF World Postal is only one class, so u can choose either a HV or LV class rifle.

So big descisions champion, when u wake up the morning of your match check the weather, if it is nasty may be your HV will do the job, if it is fine are you game to go up against the EV2's :confused:
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Hi Can one shoot on a team LV or HV and then shoot as an individual in the other class ????
Guys i can't answer for how the comp is run and how many classes the whole comp will be as that is a local issue but for the WRABF World Postal bit your Team score is added up wth your other team members to get the team score, whatever score you shot personally is your individual score also, there is no double dipping as such and as mentioned it is one score and your choice to shoot either HV or LV. Also the actual day if it is 2 day match must be nominated as it it is based on 3 cards not 6.
Thanks for the clarification Bill. We'll have to change our plans a bit for the East Coast Reg. but we can make it work. As far as which guns we'll be shooting, I suspect there will be more than one HV custom on the line at Salem;)
We will be naming the Team USA members on Monday, July 2, 2012 based on USA Scoreline scores and a commitment to shoot at one of the 3 regional events.

Any individual shooting at one of the regional events may submit their scores to the 2012 World Postal Championships and can walk away as the overall winner. Good luck.
I sent this to Steve two days ago and have called on the "Land Line" with no answer and Since Steve is having Computer Problems I hope this is the right place to post this information.
I know it's at the wire, but we have been trying to get a halfway presentable day to shoot.
Here are the Best Nine for Team Northwest.
We will be shooting at Grants Pass, IF we qualify!!!!!
Here are our best 9 of 15 Card results.

JD Dodge

Jim Benson

Dave Brown
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Team USA Selections for 2012 World Postal Championships

We are happy to announce the selections for Team USA that will participate in the 2012 World Postal Championships.

Team USA Northeast
Todd Banks
Dan Brown
Rick Ingraham

Team USA Oregon
Ron Silveira
Mike Hopkins
Chris Lovitt

Team USA California
Joe Friedrich
John Carter
Jim Herrick

Congratulations to all. Once again, any individual is invited to shoot at one of the 3 regional events and submit their scores.
Due to the tremendous response to the Southern California regional, Joe Friedrich will not be shooting for Team USA California.

He will be replaced by Linzie Boise.
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We have submitted the following scores to the 2012 World Postal Championships.

August 5, 2012

Name Place Score X's FM Action
Daniel Finney 1 248 10 6 M-Rod
Dan Brown 2 248 9 1 EV-2
Todd Banks 3 244 9 2 Dawson
Rick Ingraham 4 244 7 5 Dawson
Art Dueul 5 244 2 1
Kevin Kunkle 6 243 7 4 EV-2
Mark Normandin 7 242 8 1 TM1000
Paul Bendix 8 241 3 5 MPR
Brad Neise 9 220 0 1 M-Rod

Name Place Score X's FM
Daniel Finney 1 249 13 20
Mark Normandin 2 248 10 15
Todd Banks 3 248 10 5
Rick Ingraham 4 247 11 1
Paul Bendix 5 242 8 3
Dan Brown 6 242 7 1
Kevin Kunkle 7 239 3 1
Brad Neise 8 236 3 3
Art Dueul 9 231 3 3

Name Place Score X's FM
Daniel Finney 1 250 15 1
Todd Banks 2 248 13 3
Dan Brown 3 248 10 3
Rick Ingraham 4 245 4 12
Kevin Kunkle 5 243 6 9
Mark Normandin 6 238 7 1
Paul Bendix 7 237 6 1
Brad Neise 8 229 5 4
Art Dueul 9 227 3 1

Name Place Score X's FM
Daniel Finney 1 747 38 248 Individual
Todd Banks 2 740 32 244 Team USA-Northeast
Dan Brown 3 738 26 248 Team USA-Northeast
Rick Ingraham 4 736 22 244 Team USA-Northeast
Mark Normandin 5 728 25 242 Individual
Kevin Kunkle 6 725 16 243 Individual
Paul Bendix 7 720 17 241 Individual
Art Dueul 8 702 8 244 Individual
Brad Neise 9 685 8 220 Individual

Team USA-Northeast 2,214 80

Please be advised that Daniel Finney has set the new world record score for outdoor events at 747-38X.
We will be submitting the following scores to the 2012 World Postal Championships.

Jim Herrick, 734-29x, Theoben Rapid, .22 cal Team USA-California
Doug Miller, 731-23x, Styer, .22 cal Individual
Tim McMurray, 723-19x, USFT .22 cal Individual
Jim Cyran, 721-15x, EV .177 Individual
Brian Denardo, 720-15x, EV .177 Individual
Linzie Boise, 716-18x, USFT .22 cal Team USA-California
Matt Saenz, 716-16x, USFT .22 cal Individual
Vipha Miller, 715-13x, USFT .177 Individual
John Carter, 714-19x Team USA-California

Team USA-California 2,164-66x
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The results from the Northwest Regional are in and Team USA-Northwest has raised the bar.

The 2012 World Postal scores are as follows:

Ron Silveira Feinwerkbau P70FT Team USA-Northwest
248-10x 248-8x 249-18x 745-36x
Chris Lovitt Feinwerkbau P70FT Team USA-Northwest
249-11x 243-9x 249-14x 741-34x
Mike Hopkins Feinwerkbau P70FT Team USA-Northwest
245-11x 247-8x 247-9x 739-28x
Tom Santos Feinwerkbau P70FT Individual
240-6x 247-8x 243-7x 730-21x
Linda Hopkins Feinwerkbau P70FT Individual
245-9x 238-8x 244-8x 727-25x
Wayne Burns USFT HPA #86 .177 Individual
242-5x 237-7x 245-7x 724-19x
JD Dodge Air Arms EV2 .177 Individual
241-7x 242-4x 240-7x 723-18x
Jim Benson Feinwerkbau P70 .177 Individual
244-10x 235-2x 237-4x 716-16x
Dave Brown CZ 200 .177 Individual
235-4x 236-4x 234-3x 705-11x

Team USA-Northwest 2,225-98X
Very good scores! We'll be shooting tomorrow - all SA teams.
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All 3 regional events have been shot and everyone involved should be proud. 40 excellent competitors came out and continued the progress and growth of this sport.

A public thank you to the shooters that chose to compete. Another public thank you to Todd Banks and Rick Ingraham for the Northeast Regional, to Joe Friedrich and Linzie Boise for the Southern California Regional and to Mike Hopkins, Ron Silveira and Steve Ware for the Northwest Regional. There are most likely others we have forgotten but none of this happens without them.

Hopefully, next year we can have more of these regional events and develop a United States Postal format.
South African World Postal Scores - 6 October 2012

1.) Paul van Gass, Team SA-A, TM1000
250-10x, 249-14x, 248-9x, 747-33x
2.) Niekie van Dyk, Team SA-B, TM1000
248-9x, 248-9x 248-13x, 744-31x
3.) Gert Coetzer, Team SA-C, TM1000
247-11x, 248-9x, 248-7x, 743-27x
4.) Eugene du Plessis, Team SA-A, Steyr
248-12x, 248-11x, 246-9x, 742-32x
5.) Tiaan Broodryk, Team SA-A, Rapid
248-10x, 246-10x, 248-11x, 742-31x
6.)Gert van Wyk, Team SA-B, Rapid
247-5x, 246-9x, 246-5x, 739-19x
7.) Johan van der Linde, Individual, TM1000
245-9x, 247-11x, 245-11x, 737-31x
8.) Mario Coetzer, Team SA-C, TM1000
247-5x, 248-9x, 242-11x, 737-25x
9.) Pieter Grundligh, Team SA-B, Rapid
246-8x, 245-7x, 244-5x, 735-20x
10.) Matthew Bester, Individual, Rapid
238-6x, 233-5x, 246-8x, 717-19x
11.) A Guisti, Individual
236-1x, 242-1x, 239-3x, 717-5x
12.) Barbara Fraatz, Individual
239-5x, 239-3x, 238-4x, 716-12x
13.) Henk Rautenbach, Individual, Rapid
245-3x, 238-7x, 230-3x, 713-13x
14.) S Fick, Individual
239-4x, 233-0x, 238-7x, 710-11x
15.) Werner Plosser, Individual
235-4x, 239-7x, 231-5x, 705-16x
16.) Gus de Vries, Individual
232-5x, 233-5x, 238-8x, 703-18x
17.) Nick Schoomwinkel, Team SA-C, AA S400
235-1x, 236-1x, 232-3 x, 703-5x
18.) Coenie Schoonwinkel, Individual
234-3x, 238-4x, 228-2x, 700-9x
19.) Ben Lebona, Individual
225-3x, 219-1x, 230-5x, 674-9x
20.) Eugene van Wyk, Individual
190-1x, 238-5x, 230-4x, 658-10x
21.) P van der Linde, Individual
210-1x, 208-0x, 208-0x, 626-1x

Team SA-A 2231-96x
Team SA-B 2218-70x
Team SA-C 2183-57x