2012 Results for IR 50/50


Steve Lloyd
There have been several matches this past month! When are the results going to be posted on the 50/50 web site?:confused:
Steve, I'd like to see them too, more importantly, the final results for the 2011 categories other than the List. Remember when you used to get a monthly news letter from Milt and Helen and the Board was kept up to date. I don't bother going to the site other than to find directions to different ranges.
Hope to see you soon. Hope your young man is doing well in college. Regards to the lady.
Results Updating

Before the 2012 Results could be posted the 2011 results needed to be updated & fixed.
That was finally finished last weekend. I.E. What you see is what you get.
This was no easy task with over 18,000 db records containing 467,000 entries.
The biggest job in the final cleanup is correcting shooters names. In some cases the same shooter has three different names depending on the range he shot at or even the date. (The DB records that as three different people). Or a shooter starts out the year as Howard and decides he wants to be Pickles.
In December there were 550 shooters in the DB & after the updating there were 500.

Now that the Results are "Final" Wilbur will have to do his “Magic” to archive them before Rachel can up load this years results & updated the Schedule.
Make Sense? ~

P.S. Archiving is no easy job! -
Thanks Wilbur for all the time you spend supporting Benchrest
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Yes, I do remember. I kept the "board" (thanks for the compliment Bob) and Helen mailed out the newsletter. Neither was anything remotely close to what is being done now. The List was reported once a month in the newsletter and by the time it was seen it was long out of date. Not to mention you had to pay to get the newsletter and only members recieved pins for free. Never were the entire results of a match posted on the "board" except maybe for the nationals. I remember those days all too well. It wasn't that it was bad at the time, it was all we had.....but it was a far cry from as good, much less better. To imply otherwise is ridiculous.

All the rimfire organizations are doing quite well posting results given the difficulty....much less the pay. Looks easy, and it is for a few days, but those match results are like a chinese army...they just keep coming, wave after wave.
That is some really great stuff Wilbur, More, More!!!!