2011 Piney Hill IR Schedule, an indoor range


bob finger

The Piney Hill schedule for 2011 has been established. This is an indoor, 18 bench rimfire range located near Luray Virginia in the beautiful Page Valley.

The schedule: (subject to adverse weather conditions..if heavy snow is in the forecast check here for possible cancellation/reschedule)
January 8 3 gun + Unlimited and SOTY
February 19 3 gun + Unlimited and SOTY
March 12 3 gun + Unlimited and SOTY
March 18 Indoor Sporter Nationals
March 19 Indoor Nationals 3 gun yards
March 20 Indoor Nationals 3 gun meters
April 16 3 gun + Unlimited and SOTY
November 5 Indoor UL Nationals yards
November 6 Indoor UL Nationals meters

All matches start at 0900 local. UL matches will start at conclusion of the 3 gun and after lunch.

Mark your calendar now so you don't miss out on the fun and competition. Merry Christmas! bob
Thanks for posting your schedul. Hope other clubs follow suite.
