2009 U. S. World Team Announced

Listed below are the names of the members who will be representing the United States at the 2009 World Benchrest Championships (WBC-10) in Pretoria, South Africa in June of 2009:

Team 1 - Ed Adams, Wayne Campbell, Gene Bukys, Tony Boyer

Team 2 - Larry Costa, Mike Ratigan, Bill Summers, Joe Krupa

Team 3 - Chris Harris, Don Nielson, Cecil Peterson, Tim Oltersdorf

First Alternate: Gary Sinclair

Congratulations to all!

Team members and all other interested parties are invited to visit the World Team website for updated information. All information will be posted as received.
Thanks Wayne....

for the update. Congratulations and best of luck to all you guys. Don't let Dr. Tim instigate any international incidents and by all means - enjoy yourselves.

Congratulations to all who made the team! For you first-timers, it will be an experience you will never forget (in a good way! :D).

Best of luck in '09.

Team 3 lineup

As the last member who slithered onto the world team it is my sacred duty to introduce the three other members of my team to the benchrest community. Chris Harris had to flee numerous paternity suits in what is now sub Sahara Africa during the notorious Congo civil wars of the 1960's. Village elders still threaten their male children into submission by invoking his name. Don Nielson was involved in a lengthily lawsuit with Charles Schultz over the character " The Great Pumpkin". This is now in the 10th court of appeals and both parties are at an impasse. Cecil Peterson was given 30 billion in government bailout money and then vanished. We hope he flies coach like the rest of us. Me? Well, I feel right at home and look forward to bonding with my teammates. Tim
Tim - terrible what Google can do to uncover one's reputation - and all these years I managed to "fly under the radar".

I am sure we will have a fun time but no doubt challenging.
Congratulations to all.Looking forward to your visit next year.
Our teams will only be finalised end March 2009 after the National shoot.

Jan-The WBC10 website seems to have gone away?

Tim-This is the third time we have been teamed up. Let's do better than the silver we got in Australia. The (try to be Great) Pumpkin
Hi Tim

I'm looking forward to see you guys again.
And thank you one more time for helping our team mate that had a very bad inflammation in his knee at the last championship in Austria.
When he got home they found that he also had a broken bone in his hand, but hes ok now.
It's going to be a great championship in SA, those guys know how to run a party.

/Ulrik Sandgren
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I have to post a thank you to Tim as well! The swede was in quite bad shape when Tim and Manny Garcia sorted him out so we could put him on a flight back to Sweden!

Ulrik is absolutely right about the boys down in RSA, the really do know how to run both matches and party's :D I´m 100% sure that the WBC 10 is going to be a event to remember! Mike R have already got some of the African treat I think;)

I´m really looking forward to the trip!

/Stefan Karlsson
I don't believe that the teams are ready yet, but as far as I know these are the Swedish shooters that will go to WBC10:

Mats Johansson
Peter Ericsson
Stefan Karlsson
Bengt Nilsson
Micke Edlund
Bosse Petersson
Robert Persson
Peter Bergfeldt
Ulrik Sandgren
Jonas Sandberg
Borne Gebing
Paul Christensson

Paal Otto
I whish all of the teams a good Championship, it will be tough!
Maarten De Ridder
Paal Otto is right about the Swe. shooters. The teams will be selected soon!

The "Team vikings" will be staying at Mutango Lodge,‏ really close to the range. There is a good possibility that the Aussies and some of the shooters from RSA will be staying there as well.

Looking forward to share a Castle with the guys at night after the days shooting is done:)
The Dutch are coming.

Hi all team members and individuals for WBC10.

The Dutch are staying at Mutango Lodge too.
I'm looking forward to see you all again.

Bob Klaassen
hi Bob

nice to meet you here and good luck at WBC10!
Sounds great Bob!

I think the lodge will be occupied mostly by bechresters, It´s going to be a great time:)

Congrats, Guys!

Listed below are the names of the members who will be representing the United States at the 2009 World Benchrest Championships (WBC-10) in Pretoria, South Africa in June of 2009:

Team 1 - Ed Adams, Wayne Campbell, Gene Bukys, Tony Boyer

Team 2 - Larry Costa, Mike Ratigan, Bill Summers, Joe Krupa

Team 3 - Chris Harris, Don Nielson, Cecil Peterson, Tim Oltersdorf

First Alternate: Gary Sinclair

Congratulations to all!

Team members and all other interested parties are invited to visit the World Team website for updated information. All information will be posted as received.

Congrats to everyone for making the US team! Best of luck next year!
I know you all will do very well!
Those are 3 highly skilled teams!