2009 NBRSA Nationals Results

Thanks Steve for posting this. Sure wish there was a way to follow what is happening at these big shoots a little closer. There are several of us guys out here that can't make it to the Nationals, but would still like to know what's going on. Seems like it would also be good for the NBRSA to have it's members and anyone else who is interested able to follow what is happening. (just my 2 cents)

Rick Graham
Thanks Steve for posting this. Sure wish there was a way to follow what is happening at these big shoots a little closer. There are several of us guys out here that can't make it to the Nationals, but would still like to know what's going on. Seems like it would also be good for the NBRSA to have it's members and anyone else who is interested able to follow what is happening. (just my 2 cents)

Rick Graham

I agree. The big problem is that the folks running the match are going all out every day, so posting daily results on the web is fairly low on the priority list. When the shoot is over they need a rest, so sometimes the results don't get posted for a few days.

I wasn't able to attend the Nationals this year, but they are using my scoring program and John Parker sent me the database after the shooting was over. Since I had the data and the time, I went ahead and posted the results.
Great job Steve, this is the best report I've ever seen in such short time, well done, many pats on the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan Honert;)
Thanks for the results.Looks like quite a few "neck to neck" photo finishes.When great shooters are sluggin it out,it often comes down to half a bullet here or there, or the one opportunity to drill a real small group that they didn't take advantage of.
We gotta get live Nationals coverage on TV, at least for Saturday afternoon !
Great job Steve, this is the best report I've ever seen in such short time, well done, many pats on the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan Honert;)

Well done Steve. Fine job!
