2009 Manatee VFS match's


Amauri Lopez

Does anyone have the dates for this years VFS match's at Manatee Florida?:confused:

Thanks in advance.
I believe starting in April it's the first Sunday of every month.

See you there?

Thank you Don......I'll be looking forward to it.
After further consideration.............

I believe I misspoke. I think the matches are the second Sunday of each month.
Because the second Sunday in April is Easter Sunday and the Super shoot is in may, I'm not sure of the schedule.

I have emailed Art Kelly for Clarification and will post when he responds.
Maybe Buddy is reading this and can help.

I talked to Jim Byrum today and apparantly there is some kind of trouble at the Range and future matches are in doubt.
He said Art Kelly would post more information when the problems are resolved.
Received this email from Art Kelly:

The VFS Matches will start the 2nd Sunday of May and be on the 2nd Sunday of each month from then until Nov., assuming we get reasonable turnouts, it's just not worth the work for 3-4 shooters. Pass the word and build participation if you want the matches to continue.
I'll try and make them All!!!

We had 9-12 shooters at most of the shoots we had last year! Hope we can do even better this year. Esten Spears