2008 conclusion

Doug Penttinen

I Have given up hope
I now know that the Great state of Texas has by far better shooters than we have professional football teams and baseball teams....
How many more times will we hear "It's time to re-build"

At least with a bench gun you can spend $500.00 dollars on a new barrel job and get better results...:confused:

We now will have a 100 zillion dollar stadium and still looking to make play-off's...

Jimmy Johnson must be laughing all the way to the bank
Romo's Pinkie

When he got that injury at mid-season, they knew with the upcoming schedule that with an unproven backup QB that if they lost the wrong games that the end of the season would be catchup time. Well, they lost the games in their division and dug themselves into a huge hole.

With the turmoil they always have with TO and some of the other idiots on that team, its a wonder they do as well as they do.

Jerry Jones is just a younger version of Al Davis, and their paths are following the same course it appears. Win a couple Superbowls and fade away.
And then there are the Lions

What a pitiful football team.....I truly do not think they even tried....at least all of the the other teams won some....we have the unique record that will never be broken. What losers. What a shame for the fans in Michigan. Perhaps (just like our perpetual motto)next year.

Geary Koglin
What is truly sad is

That there are really people that support the Lions, they have not been a football team since the great Barry Sanders played for them, before becoming disillusioned with the management and owner. The team truly sucks, it doesn't deserve fans.

Dan Honert
Formerly a Michigander for 58 years
Don't give up hope

We felt like you last year, but with some Texas transplants, including coach Sparano, this year is a whole new game.
Go Dolphins!

(Maybe this is also my year for some screamers)
2008 Conclusion

You are too kind. I have been a cowboy fan for years but after I saw the crummy game they brought to the field Sunday I think I will pick the Texans as my favorite team. Sunday's game defies description!
Have a good new year anyway.

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Not sure who can coach for this owner / gm??

Jerry needs to fire himself....I'm just glad I was hunting instead of yelling at the TV.

Probably the most talented team in the NFL but playing as individuals.....frustrating!!

Man it's great living in Australia & not having loyalty to any team. Then we can just enjoy watching the games.
Dallas looked like a bunch of pussys wanting the season to be over!

Direct result of Jerry Jones and Wade no-coaching Phillips.
The most talented Team in the NFL and do not have a coach or a Owner that cannot keep his nose out of the team.
But,the Packers went to the tank,the Jets and Brett tanked,Denver Tanked,so the Cowboys will join a bunch of Rich kids watching the Super Bowl on TV.
the vikes took their division and that amkes me a happy camper. even if it was against the giants 2nd string
the vikes took their division and that amkes me a happy camper. even if it was against the giants 2nd string

Yes, but they won't last but one more game,i do think the Eagles are a pretty tough team,but they will last 2 more games and out.
The giants or Colts