200 yard groups measured in MOA?



I have shot a few score matches at the stlouis club but never a group match, when the 200 yard aggs are listed, is that actual size of groups or is that moa?

The aggregates for 200 yards are just the averages of the groups divided by two, so that they may be averaged with the 100 yard aggregates to calculate grand aggregates that combine both distances. If someone shot .250 in all five 100 yard matches, his aggregate would be .2500, and if he shot .500 for all five groups at 200 yards, his 200 yard aggregate would be .2500. These could then be averaged to come up with a grand aggregate for the class of rifle that he shot, of .2500. Grand aggregates, "grands" are averaged to determine 2-gun, three-gun, and 4-gun winners, using the appropriate combinations of classes for each. If you see something to three places it is the actual measure of a group. If you see something to four places it is a agg, grand agg., or 2,3,or 4-gun. Sometimes this division by two of 200 yd, group averages is referred to conversion to MOA (in math, minute of arc, in shooting minute of angle) but that is technically incorrect, given that a MOA is slightly larger than an inch (1.047 inches), and all the numbers used in benchrest group shooting are either in inches or derived from inch measurements with no conversion to MOA.
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To answer your question Dustin, the 200 yard agg that is posted is the MOA. And yes i realize it isnt technically a TRUE moa because of the 1.047.

And to reach this number at 200 yds you DO NOT have to average or divide anything.............simply add up the number of each 200 yard target and that will be your agg for that yardage. EX: 316+452+409+563+395=2135

Hope this helps

Andy, let me add that you can add the "raw" numbers, but one must divide the total by 10 or move the decimal one place to the left. Example .450,+ .500,+ .300,+ .250+ .400= 1.900" or an agg of .1900. Of course you simply ignored the decimal in the "raw" numbers and that too will work. My 200 yard scores are more like 2.330, 1.107, etc. :D James
James you are correct, i do ignore the decimal point. The sum of the numbers is all that matters and that sum is the same no matter if it is 2.500 or 2500. The only thing the decimal point does is make it easy for people like us to explain to the general public that we shot a 1/4 inch agg.

If not for the need to be able to say "my" agg was 1/4 inch, the decimal point would not be needed at all, and all aggs, grands and multi guns would simply be a sum of numbers and the smallest number would still always win.

James you are correct, i do ignore the decimal point. The sum of the numbers is all that matters and that sum is the same no matter if it is 2.500 or 2500. The only thing the decimal point does is make it easy for people like us to explain to the general public that we shot a 1/4 inch agg.

If not for the need to be able to say "my" agg was 1/4 inch, the decimal point would not be needed at all, and all aggs, grands and multi guns would simply be a sum of numbers and the smallest number would still always win.

thanks guys, just got my lv rifle done, might try it out at next group match the east west shootout, it should be interesting.