20 tactical



I have a 20 tactical with two redding full dies and around 150 dakota brass. The rifle has a remington 700 action and other than that I do not know much about it. I am wondering if anyone might have an idea what this gun is worth. I inherited it from my father and have sense purchased a rockchucker supreme press and began reloading my own shells i use h4198 23 grain and 40 grain vmax bullets. if you have an idea what this is all worth I am really interested in info thanks.
does it help If i mention it was ward taraseks rifle?
The fact that the rifle is chambered in .20 Tac has very little to do with the Value. What brand of barrel, stock, and probably most important, who did the gunsmithing are the primary factors along with condition and accessories (Scope) if any. There is a website; saubier.com that has a forum popular with many shooters that are into the small calibers. You might get more answers there. If you don't know or can't find out more information about the rifle's components and builder at least post pictures.

The pictures didn't post. I think nowdays you may need to upload them to the cloud and link them to your post.
I am not personally familiar with Herb Coats, but there is a website for HC rifles by Herb Coates that shows some beautiful examples. If he is the one that did the work on your rifle you can get a pretty good idea of what it costs to build one like yours. If I owned a rifle like that and it had been owned by my Father, I would hang on to it. The .20 Tac is a great cartridge for varmints, Coyotes, etc.
