1st Outing with LT-32 / Lot #2

James M.

New member
I tried this new lot today with Berger 64.2 Column bullets and 27.9, 28.3, and 28.7 gr. The rifle was a Marsh Saguaro with 22" Krieger 4-groove (.237 bore) / 13.5 twist. I started shooting groups with the bullets seated at jam, then .005 off, .010 off, etc. with the three loads listed. When I got to .020" off jam the rifle seemed to shoot very consistently, so I tried a unique test. I shot a three-shot group with the bullets all seated at .020" off of jam. Shot #1 had 27.9 gr., #2 had 28.3 gr. and #3 had 28.7 gr. The group measured ~ 0.079". I repeated the test with the bullets at .025 off and the group was 0.240". A third try was at
.010 off jam. The group there was a vertical .257". I think that the ideal seating depth for this barrel/bullet/powder combination is .020" off jam. The temperature was in the high 40's and the wind was from the east (r to l) at 8-12 mph. There was bright sunshine with accompanying mirage. I am going to test more in the near future and submit my findings to Audrey Brown for a possible article in the NBRSA magazine. Let me thank Dr. Marsh for the loan of the rifle, Keith Anderson for the powder and Eric Stecker for the bullets. Good shooting..James Mock Ps, the velocities were as follows: 27.9gr.= 3289fps; 28.3gr.= 3311 fps and 28.7gr. = 3367fps. These were taken with an Oehler Mod 35.

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Thanks for the report james. I also shot some lot 2 today. Accuracy was good from two different rifles and shooters. Myself and my best buddy jim h. I was a little suprised with the velo numbers. We both settled in at 29.1 grains. Velo was 3320 from my rifle. We didnt shoot over the chrony with jims rifle. My barrel was or is a half worn out 4 groove krieger 237 bore. I shot 66gr new fowlers and jim shot a 6-9 double o fb bullet. Most of our groups looked like the groups on the right posted above. I had somewhere to be today so I didnt get to shoot as much as I wanted. Tomorrow ill get out the good gun and give this powder a work out.. so far it looks real good. I will also add that I had a lot of over throws from my charge master so that wasnt ideal but I think I can fix that. Lee
Lee, all of my charges were thrown with my Hensler measure. I checked the weight with scales at first but found that the thrown charges were very consistent with this powder. It meters very well and I saw no need to weigh each charge. James
One thing about my chargemaster i dont like is that it was programmed to throw charges faster than the normal setting. Sometimes this is good, but sometimes not so good. I am currently looking into buying a Seaco (SP) powder throw. I think there is a place for a manual throw on my bench. I like the chargemaster, but maybe not for everything.
Today, it is plum crappy outside! 35MPH winds and rain. I still went out to the shop and shot a bit with the LT-32. Shot excellent again at that 29gr mark. I also shot some in my 22ppc .100 short with some old rem 52gr bullets, and the results were impressive. Groups and speed!!
Thanks again James for sharing with us. I really enjoy reading your post!!! Lee

What kinda of loads vs velocties and accuracy were you seeing with the -.100 short. I've got to get Beth's gun ready for St. Louis and time is running out. Txt me if you want.

This is going from memory but i think i found good accuracy at 24gr and 25.2 The 25.2 grains was 3520ish in speed. I will double check my notes and call you. Or maybe Jim rememebers. Jim if you see this do you remeber? Lee

From what i seen they all shot good.. I bet you see alot more 22 shorts on the line this year..
I did shoot some more of the LT32 sunday afternoon in the gail force winds we were having, with a 6ppc barrel that i plan to shoot the first match of the year with. I couldnt seem to tune out the diagnal in this one barrel. The groups were three bullets tall and diagnal left to right, same direction as the wind. I figured what i was seeing was the wind, but i deceided to shoot one final group with a proven load. That load dotted up real nice. Not sure what this was all about so i will shoot this barrel again asap with the LT32 and see what happens. lee
I don't think that there is much, if any difference in the two lots. With lot #1 I got higher velocities....BUT I shot it in a 24 inch barrel in August. The lot#2 was shot with a 22 inch barrel in February. A velocity of 3367 in lot #2 was about 3420 in lot #1 in the hotter weather and the longer barrel. I think that the two lots are very close. James