1st ARA Tournament @ United Sportsment's Club



I’m a new guy at this sport, having watched the ARA Nationals at my home club (Benchrest Rifle Club) a couple of weeks ago and catching the bug.

I have none of the ‘standard’ equipment, just a modified 10/22, a cheap front rest and a bag rear rest, and using Wolf MT ammo. I called Joe Besche (United Sportsmen’s Cub, Jefferson City Missouri) and ask if it would be okay to show up and shoot, his response was very positive. I took the plunge, showed up, and shot 6 cards. What a great time!! My wife came with me and she also had a good time (She really enjoyed listening to Joe talk to himself during the match).

I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ to all the shooters that were at United Sportsmen’s Club on Saturday. For a new guy, showing up and not knowing what to expect, everyone made me and my wife feel welcome. I had several shooters offer rifles, one piece rests, and flags that I could have used for the day. All the (dumb) questions I asked were answered; everyone kind enough to let me look over their equipment and encouragement was offered at every turn. Thankfully no on laughed at my stuff (at least not that I could hear).

I’m hoping to shoot the next three more tournaments during September; this weekend at Benchrest, the 26th at Owensville, and the 27th at Crosswinds. Hopefully, after that I’ll be in a position to starting getting some better equipment. Since my wife had a good time this weekend, she’s not objecting to my benchrest budget.

Thanks again, see you on Saturday.
I'm sure Joe will respond, sorry I did not get a chance to formally introduce myself, But I'm Charlie Peters and it was great to have you there. It is a great thing if you can get your wife excited also and likes coming to the matchs. As you can tell there is nothing like just jumping in and shooting a match no matter what you have, it automatically answers alot of questions......though you also get more.

Saturday you certainly got to see some of the top guys in the country at the bench.

Not many matchs left...I guess you have all winter to get ready for the upcoming season.

Welcome to ARA competetion.

Sportsman Tournament

Welcome to bench rest shooting. You and your wife brought me some good luck. Now that you saw how good Lapua shoots you will need to be talking to me. I have my wife Shirley convinced that we are going on a honeymoon every time I go out of town. anyway it was a pleasure to meet you and your bride. If I can be of any help let me know. Don,t beleive everything Red Shoes says!
if your lucky enough to hear joe besche talking to himself....please take notes..
he's not just ramblin, thats good info for future use;)
Not the distant future....more like current events...if he's mumbling, don't shoot.
I'm glad you had a good time sat. I hate that your first time shooting ARA it had to be one of the switchiest condition we had there all year. At least thats my story and I'm sticking to it. Of course there where some that didn't have a problem with the wind
Charlie Scott first
Brian Brandt second
Fred Rost third
Hope to see you sat at st louis brc