.148 good enough to start BR?


Have never shot any type of BR competition. Would like to give it a try but don't know if I'm a good enough shooter to be competetive. Don't expect to win my first time out but don't want to be the kid in the helmet either. So far my best group at 50 yards with a completely stock Savage 93R17GV is 0.148 (0.325 edge to edge -0.177). Is there a class or catagory I could look into? I'm in SW Wyoming if that matters. Thanks, Matt.
The three major competitive RF Benchrest associations do not have a class for 177. They are 22 rimfire competitions. That said, .148 is on the outside ragged edge of competitive and would not win many shoots.
Thanks for the reply. I've been hearing that there isn't really a sanctioned competition for the .17 other than the postals over on rimfirecentral. What would be a more competitive score for .22 matches?
Keeping in mind that we shoot for score and more error is caused by miss reads of the wind than the rifle's intrinsic accuracy, to win, I believe you need a .0 something gun.
To Donmatzeder

mattri had indicated he got one group that was .177. In your reply, were you advising he needed just one group in the zeros to be competitive or were you saying he must average in the zero's?
He had one group that was .148 and was shooting a 177 bullet. I was telling him he needed a gun that averaged in the .0 something to be a winner. He could compete with a .148 shooting 22 rimfire but it would not win very often. This is a theoretical grouping gun as none of us are perfect wind readers with three or four notable exceptions. If his gun averaged .148 outside and he was new at wind reading, he may have the best gun in the country.
True true. .148 is my best group to date. This isn't what I shoot every day, I'm just looking for a place to start. Thanks again for the replies, Matt.