105 vld different bearing surface lengths??


Active member
Fellas i was wondering if someone could share some light as to why my Berger 105vld different lots have such a different baring surface difference? Lot 1918 is .050 longer than my lot 732. Were there some major changes made between the different lots of bullets and for what reason? I would have to assume that my load work for my lot 1918 is going to be different than the bullets (lot 732) that i just got today. I bought these or actually traded some bullets to get these older lot 105's. were they a better bullet? Just curious.
I think berger recently changed their 105 vld's, they changed to a thicker jacket and changed the shape slightly (which lowered the B.C.)
Both lots of the bullets i have were made before this recent change if thats what your refurring to. Thanks Lee
I'm guessing a little, as I don't know Berger's routine. Anyhow, I surmise that each time they have to set up a machine to go from one bullet to another, it's impossible to get everything lined back up exactly the way it was the last time they made a run. I've got several lots of the same bullet your referring to and they do vary quite a bit from lot to lot. Usually, each lot can be made to shoot, but finding the sweet spot from one to the other is a PITA. I've shot awfully well with that bullet over the last year, but Randy Robinette will get my money from now on, cause I'm tired of having to re-tune from lot to lot...
Berger has repeatedly changed the design and shape of the 105 VLD's over time and the differences can be dramatic. I have lot # 162, #405, #591, #1357, #1415, and a couple others, and some of these lots are dramatically different than some others. It's just the way it is, Berger is making the changes they feel they need to make to get things where they want them to be for practical ease of production and other reasons. It's a good thing they see the need to make changes and are making them, although it is frustrating sometimes when you are used to a bullet design and you buy a different lot and get a totally different bullet.

Robert Whitley