1000 yd gun



I am wanting to build me a 1000 yd gun I want a tracker stock an viper or borden action does anyone have any opinions on calibers barrel brands and gun smith work?

Best advice I can give is to read all the posts in this forum, then attend a match to see it for yourself and talk with shooters. Heck, someone will then offer his rig up for you to shoot when they see the drool dribbling down your chin and that look of lust in your eyes (but only after they realize your looking at their rifle and not them). Then your on your way...... Some really helpful folk out there for you to meet...

Both of the choices you made thus far are good ones. BUT...... Action......do you know how you want it set up...RB-RP, RB-LP, RB-duel port? Does Borden even offer any choices? Stock.....Tracker..... ST1000 or the MBR Tracker.......both are great, but feel much different to the shooter. Wood or fibrerglass?

As far as BBL....Look at the equipment lists and see what is popular and what is winning. Same as for calibre. If it were me, I would pick something with good bbl life like a Dasher or 6 BR. Cheaper to load for....less recoil, popular, and lots of bbl life. This last one is important....it gives you lots of tube life to experament and to learn. Trust me, you will shoot lots. When the groups get smaller, shooting and loading turns into BIG FUN. Same with shooting at a match...WAY BIG FUN!!!!:D

And, like was mentioned earlier...get to a match if it is at all possible. It wasn't for me.....900 miles round trip. :eek:

Good luck, and have fun!!!
. . . does anyone have any opinions on calibers barrel brands and gun smith work?
Everyone who posts here has an opinion. And it's 99.44 percent certain that they don't all agree. Without some experience, how can you pick the best opinion? Same problem as trying to pick the best components when you don't know.

Go to some matches. Then, for your first rifle, pick time-proven components and chamberings. If, after a year or so experience, you think you have a better idea, go for it.

Or, if you have to pick things blind for that first rifle, pick a gunsmith who has built numerous winning 1,000 yard rifles. Match reports give gunsmith names. Let them build you what they think best. If they don't like some of your choices, defer to them -- your picking one because all the evidence says they know what their talking about. A much better guarantee than you get with internet opinions.
Just have Jim Borden build you a 6.5X284 on one of his actions and start shooting matches.
When you attend matches you make mistakes that cost you the win.The more matches you attend the quicker you will eliminate the mistakes and start wining.
The 6.5 X 284 is a great gun for 1,000 yard shooting as it isn't too small or too powerful and you can use it in both classes withouth giving away much in either.
Waterboy aka Lynn
Jim Borden is first rate.

So too are (alphabetically)

Leonard Baity
Gordy Gritters
Mark King
Dave Tooley

And I'm sure many others who've slipped out of my aging memory. Just read mach reports. BTW, good gunsmiths often have a 1-year backlog of orders.

* * *

Viewed another way, what wins matches is bullets and barrels. Building winning rifle is the luck of a good barrel, a source of good bullets, and the 'smith not screwing things up. For a newcomer, the smith can also help the shooter avoid wasting hours and dollars.

If you want to shoot this year, a used rifle is a prime consideration. If you can find one that has won matches, you know the action is good. Barrels are expendable items anyway. Best place to find a good used rifle is AT A MATCH, or a rifle one of the good BR gunsmiths happens to have.
Which one

If your going to shoot a lot as the guys say one of the 6mm most economical and do shoot well. If not shooting lots the 6.5 x.284 has been great for me and does a better job in wind. Am building up a shehan .284. And yes more recoil but over double life of 6.5. Have a tracker 1000 br stock and sure can recommend it. Bill shehan is great to talk to about his shehan .284 for any questions and for the dies also
1k guns

if your new to the 1k game do your homework before building a gun.look onto some 7mm's.7saum ,280 ackley,7rem mag.284win may not have enough gas for 1k benchrest.some guys couldn't get enough speed some can.with rl17 you mite be able to.I just did some testing with a 7saum at 1k this past weekend with 180 bergers.I was amazed how they shoot in the wind compaired to my 6.5wssm.7saum 15 shot ladder was 5" wide in the wind.the 6.5 was about 18" wide and it wasn't cause the 65 was slower ether.I get speeds out of the wssm that I thought were not possable with rl17.beating the wind is half the battle. b.c is king no matter what anyone says.I know this will stur people up but its the truth,good balistic carts don't lie.30's kick the snot out of 6mm's and 6.5's in the wind.they also kick the snot out of you.7mm's and 180's are not so bad.buckle up and enjoy the ride.:D:eek:

What caliber are you looking for? And do you want HEAVY GUN, OR LIGHT GUN. Depends on the area your in for GunSmith work,Make calls and talk to them. Just remember, They are all good and they take time, You will not get one built in a couple of weeks,If you do the Gunsmith isnt very busy.