1000 Yard Nationals at GRRC


Mike W in MN

Gopher Rifle & Revolver Club, GRRC, is currently hosting the IBS 1000 Yard Nationals. It's a 4 target match for both Light and Heavy guns (8 targets total). The weather during the sightin day on Wens was excellent, warm with just alittle wind. Today, the first match day started out with rain at dawn but we had clear skies for most of the morning. Just after lunch we had to take a break and wait out a downpour that lasted for alittle less than an hour. Almost everyone stayed dry and we resumed the match and finished out the first day completing 2 Light Gun matches with 4 relays each and 1 Heavy Gun match in 4 relays.

Tomorrow, Friday, we expect to complete 2 Heavy Gun matches/targets and 1 Light Gun. And we'll have a great barbeque at the range Friday night. We expect to have 1 Light Gun and 1 Heavy Gun match Saturday morning and the award presentations for Saturday afternoon.

It's great to see the benches filled, targets coming up and hearing "You may fire when you see your target!" ... all weekend


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Thank You so much for posting the results.

Was up there today. Winds gusting 30-40 MPH, cool temps 65 or so, overcast skies. misting on and off. Some VERY tuff conditions. Met some good people Al, Glen, Bob others, all in good spirits considering the conditions. The 6 Dashers were holding their own with the 30s from what targets I saw/people I talked to.
Complete Scores from GRRC in MN

Jim Bauer came out on top!

Attached please find the updated scores from the IBS 2010 Nationals held over the previous 3 days. We hope everyone who made the trip enjoyed themselves, the range and the competition. We have a great facility and exceptional people managing the pits, targets, scoring, information management, cooking and the firing line. The results were obvious to all in attendance, when you have great people involved you can expect great results! Thank You to all the volunteers, the sponsors and the shooters who made this a complete success!

Day 1 was the best day for shooting from most perspectives.
Day 2 was WINDY!
Day 3 dawned clear and cool, a breeze developed that provided a challenging condition and kept the groups bigger and the scores lower for most of the shooters.

Thanks again to everyone that made this possible!
Mike Wieland

(I know the HG Overall All isn't attached. I'm having some trouble with this web site accepting that attachment. The HG Group and Score summaries are attached.)


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Thank you to everyone who showed up to support GRRC and our great sport.

Brian Lukkar
An oddity?

Didn't see a HG overall PDF. So I went to the 2-gun overall, and saw there was no first or second in the HG overall column. You reserving them?
HG Overall

For some reason I couldn't attach that PDF originally. At the bottom of the orginal message I made mention of that but I guess it's a 6 attachment limit because I was able to add it to this message. Jim's group rank was 1, his score rank was 2 giving him an overall hg rank of 3.

Yes, the equipment lists will be along...some people think sleep is important!


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From the results that I have seen, it must have been a very challendging match. I wish I could have been there. Things just did not work my way this time. Congrats to the winners and I hope to see them in WVa next year.

the Minnesota club is to be congratulated for the efficiency with which everything was run. There was a bunch of wonderful volunteers in the pits and scoring shack who went unseen the entire weekend and performed heroically considering the sometimes awful conditions. I'm pretty new to this particular aspect of shooting, but I have to say that in all the hobbies I've ever been involved in, and I'm 65 and have been involved in a bunch, I've never EVER met a nicer, more cooperative and helpful bunch of shooters than I've met in the 1000 yard benchrest bunch. Kudos to everyone!

Bob Brudd

It would sure be nice to see some coverage in Precision Shooting this year. If anyone from the IBS is reading this, I've got some photos that I'd be happy to contribute to the magazine - just say the word.
the Minnesota club is to be congratulated for the efficiency with which everything was run. There was a bunch of wonderful volunteers in the pits and scoring shack who went unseen the entire weekend and performed heroically considering the sometimes awful conditions. I'm pretty new to this particular aspect of shooting, but I have to say that in all the hobbies I've ever been involved in, and I'm 65 and have been involved in a bunch, I've never EVER met a nicer, more cooperative and helpful bunch of shooters than I've met in the 1000 yard benchrest bunch. Kudos to everyone!

Bob Brudd

ditto on that mr bob.i will certainly look forward to shooting there again .it was a great match,very well run ,great camping,and a beautiful range . thanks to mike and dave ,and the gent calling the relays and gordy and the target crew who did a great job running targets and the cooking crew who kept everybody fed very well morning,noon and evening.and wow what winds. a lot of shooters really held their own in some really wild winds,i figured the canopys were going to get launched at any minute.but then when it laid down it got even more tricky. great shooting guys.enjoyed it very much and see everybody next year. tim in tx.
PS shooting and the wind on Sat...

I have on my list of things to do to get PS the results and photo's etc, If you'll send your photo's to ibs1000nationals2010@yahoo.com I'll get everything on one CD and off to PS!
Included in that will be a big thank you to the sponsors and hopefully I can get the range, volunteers and shooters the credit they are due!

Oh, here's a interesting perspective...I took this photo early/mid morning on Saturday during those 'light' winds...for those that were not able to make it there this is a huge flag about 9' tall. Those winds may have been alittle stronger then we realized, they were just less than the day before. I didn't think about the wind on Sat until this evening.



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It would sure be nice to see some coverage in Precision Shooting this year. If anyone from the IBS is reading this, I've got some photos that I'd be happy to contribute to the magazine - just say the word.

Well I can tell you from personal experience if you get 6 or 7 photos together send good prints, and a cd with the files, results with equipment list ,plus a short article it seems to always get printed. I can tell you this from personal experience (see this months issue). Pick 3 to 7 photos if you send him 20 I doubt he will take time to pick through . I am sure he will run an article if you get him the information without him having to sort through pages and pages of data.

Dick Grosbier

BTW I always follow Dave Brennans suggestion and include a photo of an attractive lady or two.
The wind was tough! We really enjoyed ourselves. I got to meet a bunch of really good guys and gals. Hopefully I’ll be off for next year.
Hey Guys,

I'll gladly burn my photos to a disc and get them in the mail Tuesday, but I need an address of someone to send them to. The files are all 3 and 5 megs each which means they don't email easily.


GRRC photo contact

Hi Bob,
My email address ibs1000nationals2010@yahoo.com.
And I think I got you my home address via a direct email and the help of Dave Holland.
Contact me via Benchrest Central email or ibs1000nationals2010@yahoo.com and I'll consolidate the pictures and a disk that will go to PS and maybe if I'm creative to a couple other publications as well!
Additional Nationals information on the Match Information and Results forum.

I've already attached the eqp lists on the 'Match Information and Results forum' and I'll attach the relay information yet tonight in that forum! I think at 4 attachments per post it will take alittle time, You will also be able to view this information on www.grrc.org and internationalbenchrest.com asap. We at GRRC had a great time hosting the Nationals, and hope to be shooting with you again sometime soon!
Thanks to the folks who run the GRRC for a great show and good food. A well run match and a quick posting of the results.

I met a dad and his young son interested in 1000 yard BR at the Harris Nationals. I compiled the following information for my information and thought those who are considering starting in 1000 yard BR might find it useful:

Most popular cartridges fired at Harris:


6.5x284--------13 ........ 6.5x284---------10
6 Dasher-------12 ........ 6 Dasher---------9
6.5x47----------5 ........ 300 WSM----------7
6 BR------------5 ........ 6 BR-------------4

Bores fired at Harris, shown in groove diameter:


................................ .338-------------1
.308------------8 ........ .308------------17
.284------------9 ........ .284-------------6
.264-----------20 ........ .264------------17
.243-----------28 ........ .243------------19
Not stated------3 ........ Not stated-------4

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