100 yd Benchrest Pellet Velocity


Joey Coco


For competing in 100yd benchrest; what is the best velocity or velocity range to tune for to obtain that distance, with accuracy and best wind deflection? Thanks.
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There is no single correct answer to that question....and no simple or fast way to arrive at the correct answer for your particular setup. Somewhere between probably 850 and 1000.

Also, you are not going to get much help here for 100 yard pellet benchrest. Most here do not consider 100y with a pellet to be in the precision Benchrest category for obvious reasons. 50y is about the limit for man and machine to obtain reasonable precision with a pellet gun in average conditions....75 is pushing it hard, and 100 is way beyond. Wind reading skill and setup rules 50 and less.... a big dose of luck and some skill rule 100. You can win a “Big” 100y pellet match without a set of flags....happens all the time. Also bear in mind that the winner is decided by 1 card in a 100y match....also adding greatly to the luck factor. They weed out the lower competitors with a 2 card qualification process....but the top 40 shoot a one card final. It’s more of a fun match format if you ask any serious precision shooter. The hype is the difference. Not trying to rain on your parade....if this is your desire, that’s fine.
