100 Yard Score Match-Harrison Sportmans Club Saturday


Al Walewski
This Saturday, 6/02/2012 the Harrison Sportsmans Club will be hosting a 100 yard Centerfire Benchrest Match. Gates open at 8:00a.m. Firing will begin promptly at 10:00. Coffee, donuts, pop and bottled water will be available. If you'd like to shoot two guns or share a bench/flags please call or email Dick, Bill or myself prior to Saturday morning. See you Saturday,

Al Walewski
This will be the first score match of the 2012 season. Don't be frightened by the kinda gloomy weather forecast. This is our 22nd year and we have had exactly one match with heavy rain and one day that was really windy in all those years. We've always been incredibly lucky with weather.

Jeffy, put your widdle Harley away for a few days, load some ammo and getcher arse over here. One more unexcused absence will lead to dire consequences.

As long as you put it that way Richard, I will park the bike for the weekend. However, I will only be shooting one gun which I haven't done in close to 15 years at Harrison. What do ya'all do while waiting for the next relay? Pick on Brian? Al, put me on with Brian so I can help him get his stuff set up. Thanks.

Jeff Aberegg
What Jeff can do when he's not shooting...

To occupy your spare time I suggest that you...

A. Talk to Al and suggest he try Enzyte for his problem. (Ignore the fact that it didn't work for you.):confused:

B. Bring a couple of your old rusty single shots and show folks. A little culture never hurt any match.

C. Come in the scoring shack and bother me while I'm scoring. Tell me lies about woodchuck and crow hunting and fishing. I kinda miss that nowadays.

D. Tell me about your love life with the merry widows of Ludington. I've lived vicariously off you for years.

E. I will be watching behind the line whilst you are shooting. If you ask, I'll be happy to explain what you are doing wrong.

F. Try not to shake too much. You can have a Bud as soon as we get to the bar.

You asked...:)
