.100 short 22 ppc Die question??


Active member
I purchased a nice used .100 short 22ppc barrel from a good friend of mine and i am going to have my father cut the dies down for me. My Dad is a tool maker for GE and this shouldnt be any trouble for him to do. I just need to know EXACTLY how much to cut off the bottom of my Wilson seat die? Do we cut EXACTLY .100 off or .098 or .102 or other? I would assume .100 EXACTLY but you know what they say about assuming anything. This is all new to me so i just simply dont know. I am sure some of you guys have done this before so i was hoping for some info. I am going to have Harrells make the FL Size die so i am not worried about that, just the seat die. Are these Wilson seat dies hard steel? will it require any special cutting tools? Any info along these lines is much appreciated. Thanks fellas! Lee
If I was going to cut the die down .100 - I would first check the chamber with a head space gauge, determine exactly how much "Short" it is and then do the cutting. . . If the HS gauge sticks out .100 then there is your measurement, leave it maybe a .001 or .002 long just so you have some free float in that seating die, that much won't hurt you at all, too short and you will be pushing on the case and not the die when you seat the bullet . . . That way you don't have wobble "or" pressure problems with the die.
One of the reasons i am asking about this is because on my 6ppc Wilson seat die there looks to be around .005- .010 worth of play. I turned the die upside down and dropped a fl sized ppc case inside and the took a straight edge across the bottom of the die and there is a about .010 between the base of the case and the straight edge. So that tells me that the die is basically holding the shell straight off the sides of the case and that the shoulder has little to do with it? If my new (used) 22ppc barrel is .100 short can i just trim .095 off the die and still be ok? I sure hope i made that make since. I know i am terrible with words!! basically there seems to be more than just a couple thou worth of play in my other wilson seat dies. Lee

When you get the barrel and brass. Take a piece off brass and stick it in the die with a tad of locktite on it (so it won't spin out) and put it in the lathe. Take it down til you almost touch the brass. I like a good fit and a way to cheap is to put a piece of tape on the bottom of the case and keep going until you barely touch the tape. Just wack the die off .085 short to begin with and then stick the case in. Like I said, make sure you use something to hold it in place.

Ok fellas the seating die is cut and it turned out perfect!! My new/used 22ppc .100 short barrel is .100 short so we took .099 off the die.
What i would like to talk about now is forming these little cases. I can have a friend do it for me or i can buy them from some other fellas but i would like to learn how to do all these things myself. This will be a good way to spend the winter months. Anyway i have heard some folks talk about using a 22-250 fl size die. I assume you would need to take some of the die off to make this work?? I would also assume i can buy form dies? I wouldnt know for sure were to buy these dies, but i am sure i could. I would like to discuss this topic further, and in detail. How do you properly form these .100 short 22ppc cases? Thanks Lee
Lee, If you get a copy of the Benchrest Primer you will find two articles on forming Waldog cases, the only thing you need to do is alter the measurements for the 0.100 instead of the 0.125 short Waldog. Also from memory Dick Wright did a good write up on this either in the Primer or the Precision Shooting Reloading manual.......I could be wrong about this...............But really the easiest way is to just buy them:D:D

BTW How is Tommy? I liked his action it was as smooth as my BAT's, have you got your Haverkamp action built into a rifle yet?

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When you get ready to make cases, come and see me. No better way to learn and not waste cases than to see it done. I can make them multiple ways and none really seem better than the other. Bring a unaltered 22-250 die with you if you have one. Also, if you call me tonight and remind me, I'll throw my stuff in the camper and show you at the east/west. If you have a 22-250 die and a neck turner (in 22), I can show you how to make them for nothing. Your dad can make the piece you need in about ten min. Nice trick that Wally Siebert showed me and you don't have to alter the die. I think I have made around 3000 cases so far.

Thanks kevin, i will bring the die with me to st louis.
I do have a barrel on the Haverkamp but i am looking for a stock still. Tom may have one for me, if i want to go with a TMBR kelblys stock. I havent decided yet. I had tom modify the extractor on my action so i could shoot 308 and ppc cases. I have a brux 6mm 8 twist on it now chambered for a 6br but i am really thinking i may do a HV ppc when its all said and done. I really enjoy the accuracy of the ppc. I also enjoy the accuracy of the 30br so i may just end up doing that. I can shoot the 6br for fun shoots as well. You are correct about the smoothness of this action. I do think it feels similar to the BAT, i really do. they are nice and tight thats for sure. Did you get to show some folks the action while you were at the super shoot? What was the general though from the other shooters? I think tom would have a grand slam if he would put a coned bolt on these babies!! Thats my only concern. I will say that the 6br with the 105's feed very very well, with zero resistance. I just wonder how a 30br would feed? I got rid of a nice Lawton action because it wouldnt feed with the same type bolt. I will probably buy another one of these actions before summers end. Take care! Lee
Hi Lee, Quite a few looked at the action and all the comments were positive with one or two bits of constructive criticism, like the cone bolt. I talked to Tom about the cone bolt and stressed to him about changing to this along with a 0.68" firing pin and also making a left handed action. Another thing I bought up if he wanted to increase sales to the Benchrest shooters he had to offer RBRPLE. I think he took note of what I said but it is hard to say. One thing he said is if he got enough demand for a left handed action is he would build it......I've got my fingers crossed, as I would buy a couple in a heartbeat. Gordy Gritters has three of them and had Tom cut an offside ejection port in one of them, I will be interested in his write-up on them........Ian
I thought the firing pin was .068?? I will have to look at mine again. I really think that the coned bolt is a must for the bench-rest crowd. At least thats what has been said to me by a few of the country's top shooters. This is toms long life project, and tom may just not feel like changing them, but i really think he should! Other than that i have really no complaints!! I will probably buy another, i am sure!! I am taking mine to the east west shoot just in case some gentlemen want to look it over. Lee