100/200yd Benchrest in Canada.....



I was just wondering how "big" benchrest is in Canada??? And what areas in particular. Any of our Canadian friends out there???

Jefferson where are you?

He should be able to answer that for you.

I have never competed but from what I can tell from Manitoba west the serious shooters can probably be counted on both hands.:(

In Manitoba there is a range at Selkirk that has matches, Regina,Saskatchewan has a range but not sure on the regularity of matches and I believe there are 2 in Alberta. That's all I can tell you.

F class definately has a larger following than shortrange benchrest.

I hope to have my health into retirement so I may be able to attend some matches in the US. That is where it is happening.

Bill Gammon would have a good idea of the shooters in southern Ontario.

I had my Benchrest gun built to basically compete against myself. Do I know if I have a winner, not a clue. I just go to the range and play around thinking that I am learning something every time I go out. I usually end up coming home being to hard on myself.:(
Tubby, I have not competed in Canada for a few years, but in the 90's there used to be 6 ranges that held BR matches in Ontario. I don't know for sure how many ranges where holding matches in western provinces as they had a separate organization, but I think there where 4 of them. In the late 90's and early 2000's the gov't almost killed competiton with new regulations on range safety requirements as well as permit and registration requirements. Right now there is only 2 ranges in Ontario that are holding BR matches. Most matches in the 90's had 28-35 shooters with the Provincial having 45 shooters. It seems that the serious shooters travel to the US a few times a year to get more competition time. In the 90's there also was a fair bit of cross border competition with Americans going to Canadian shoots and Canadian's going to American shoots that a friendly International competition started with the winning country holding the trophy for a year. It was a hoot with a little bragging on both sides and a cold beer after the day. My guess would be that there are about 30 BR shooters who actually still compete in Canada. Maybe someone will update my calculations and what is happening out in the Western provinces.
I miss the shoots in Canada, maybe in the near future I will go and shoot some again and test out the home grounds to see how much they have changed with the 30 ft berms around the range!
John is right

in regards to the berms. Our berms in Brandon are not as high but there are still burms along the sides of the range. Our 100/200 range is not very wide. There is no consistency to the coditions from what I can see when I have my flags up. If I had my way there would be a lot of changes but they will never come.

I shoot bermless at my parents farm. 3/4 of land in no man's land all to myself. I can shoot from 100yards all the way out to 800. Love it. Wish I lived closer than the 80 miles.

Here are a few pics of the range and the berms along the sides. If I could the trees along the side would be all gone to make the winds a little more consistent. The hole in the berm at the 100 yard line would be filled in and the whole line moved back to the 200 yard line. There would be 1 common firing line where guys could shoot 100 or 200 yards simultaneously depending what they want.


Crossborder travel between US and Canada with firearms

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the info! You say the canadian guys mostly travel over to the US for shoots... is it a big hassle to cross the border with your firearms?? You might think now, why is this guy from Africa asking all these funny questions???? Well, as you probably know from a while back, I was looking at my options of moving /relocating to another country, specifically the US... Since then I have done some research, and I actually qualify for residence in Canada!! It works on a point system, and I make it quite easily, what counts in my favour is that I have an Aunt living in Canada as well!! Have never met these cousins of mine though... :p

This is probably not something that will happen soon, but it is a possibility within the next 12 to 18 months!

John, thanks for the good wishes for the new year! Same to you!

Oh Canada

Tubby: Think twice before making the big move. I just arrived back from holiday's in Africa on Dec. 23rd where it was hot and no snow thank you very much...

I believe our situation here in Canada is similiar to that in the US. A lack of interest in Precision shooting. Government regulations are relatively high but then again come hunting season the local ranges are full of faces you see only once or twice a year. It comes down to commitment. The biggest thing we have going for us is our friends to the south. These people are dedicated. It takes hard work not only at the local level but also at a National level to keep organizations like the IBS going. I thank them all for their hard work.

the green grass...

Tubby: Think twice before making the big move. I just arrived back from holiday's in Africa on Dec. 23rd where it was hot and no snow thank you very much...

I believe our situation here in Canada is similiar to that in the US. A lack of interest in Precision shooting. Government regulations are relatively high but then again come hunting season the local ranges are full of faces you see only once or twice a year. It comes down to commitment. The biggest thing we have going for us is our friends to the south. These people are dedicated. It takes hard work not only at the local level but also at a National level to keep organizations like the IBS going. I thank them all for their hard work.


Hi Ken

I hear what you say.... you know that the grass always looks greener on the other side..:D

I have lived in the UK for 3 years, I know about cold miserable weather...the problem in Africa is that our money is worth nothing. Yes we have lovely country side, great all year round weather, etc, but we also have interest rates at 15.25%, inflation that's going through the roof.. increasing poverty.. its a typical scenario of the 10% of the rich getting richer, and the 40% middle class getting poorer, and the 50% poor that's starving...

The world has become so small these days.... I believe if you have a better chance of success somewhere else, one should take the chance!

Great 2008 to you!

Tubby, if you live in Canada or any other country as far as I know, you will need to get a temporary permit for your guns from the US Bureau of Alcohol and Firearms which I think is good for 1 year. To live in Canada you will have to register your firearms and get a PAL licence to own or purchase firearms and it will be good for 5 years.
If I missed any details please correct me.
BR was big in the Ottawa area until about 1976 when it died down completely.

I can give you one perspective on the Canadian BR game.
Canada has plenty of BR quality shooters/rifles throughout the provinces, but a limited number of registered matchs, many local clubs do host informal BR matches.
Many of the present day shooters from Ontario and Alberta are travelling to the US for matches as this enables them to participate in larger matches.
An example of this is my home BR range in Calgary may see 15 shooters on a very good weekend.
Where as a small match in Tacoma Washington will see 20 to 40 shooters. And the big events like the Super Shoot see in excess of 200 shooter.
There is nothing like meeting and spending time with the living legends of the sport.
All the other provinces have BR shooters, as Calvin indicated in Manitoba, they host well run matches each summer in Selkirk.
One of the issues is travel distance to shoots, some of the US events are closer to go to then ones held in Canada, so again one reason to enter the US events.
Should you decide to come to Canada, you may want to spend some time looking at southern locations as it will reduce travel distances to the US Matches.
Maybe some of the Ontario shooters will add some additional information. I know several of them that journey into the Eastern US (Michigan, Ohio etc) for some of the matches there. My perseptions is that their travel distances are shorter than most of our travel distances in Alberta.
Overall I feel that BR is slowly growing again in Canada, some of the growth is shooters who have stepped back from the game, are getting back into the game. Also a small number of new shooters are starting to take the plunge into the game.

Again one persons perspective of BR in Canada.

Selkirk, mb. is a 15 bench range - 25 miles north of Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was started over 25 years ago and we still host 3 matches a year. Some of the original members still shoot here regularly. The range has attracted American shooters until our government changed the gun laws. Jerry Simison was a regular shooter when time permitted and he shared his expertise with all of us. Selkirk club will be hosting the Western Canada Nationals in June28 & 29, 2008.
some good canadian answers

that is why they are my friends (although sometimes I wonder why I am not theirs)

we have many shooters who have modern benchguns but do not come to matches. only 1 range in alberta to host regular shoots now. (IBS noted range in alberta has not existed for 3 years and I will once again let the ibs know, and not being critical as noone let them know when it closed down when the land was sold)

if some shooters in edmonton alberta have to travel 5 hours to the rosebud range, stay in a 100 motel for 2 nights, leave from work at 6pm friday, and spend 50-60 on entry fees and then finish almost last then -----they would rather stay home for 1 or 2 shoots and buy a new barrel or 1000 bullets.

we entice some shooters back but up here it is hard to get them to stay if they finish near the bottom of the pack with a 4g benchgun.

we have had lots of guys who do not preload at the range and want to hurry along so they can go home and mow the grass. (you see it snows 10 months of the year so cutting ones grass rather than smoking it is a must do event)

of course I am kidding but many shooters are not so competitive in canda west. many guys have 2 pandas and do not come out to play.

for the first time in a long while we should have 7 competitors go to tacoma for the september 3 gun short range group match. It may be seen by some as an invasion. (or a friendly takeover s we like to call it)

back a few years back Dan Lilja has come up to canada and won the canadian trophy, also the late butch Fischer came to regina a few years back and won 3rd overall I think. Some of the tacoma crowd is threatning to come up this year to canada as well. They rib us about calling the border guards when we try to return but do not realize then they are stuck with us forever.

It is all good fun. Opel is right get a job or place to live closer to the american border than afar. Having said that please practice your

CAnadian accent EH !!!!!!!!

take care Jeff
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Benchrest is alive and well in Canada!

Although our Canadian contingency is small it has proved to be competitive time and time again. A good friend and high-ranked U.S. benchrest shooter once told us that, at a U.S. shoot where 80 might show up he likely needs to worry about beating 25 of the top competitors, but at a Canadian shoot where 25 show up, he always worried about all 25.

Our philosophy is - if you want to promote shooting in your local area, then you need to support your local ranges! We love shooting with our friends close to home, and we love travelling with our friends to locations in the U.S., and recently, across the globe at WBC9 in Austria.

Our friends in the U.S. have been our biggest supporters, and will go out of their way to assist us with obtaining equipment and components, we only ever needed to ask, and they were there.

Cross-border movement of guns isn’t really that difficult, any requests of the U.S. ATF have been more than obliging, we send an e-mail saying we need authorization for a particular shoot and the paperwork comes back pronto. Sometimes it’s just about making an effort and not being afraid of the bureaucracy, find the right contacts and folks are always willing to help you out.
Hi Tubby,
it's me the guy who let you have that hot used Bat! At Rosebud which is just east of Calgary we hold between 5 and 7 Matches a year. They are registered NBRSA as well as BRSCA ( the Canadian benchrest orginization ). Calgary is a 3 hour drive to the US border. Several of us Canucks drive to Tacoma to shoot, and I will try and hit a match in Montana this year.
It is hard up here to hold more than 5 matches as any more and you will be fighting to see the targets through the snow fall. I have shot at Rosebud range several times in the snow. It is a beautiful range in the mountains, but that means some nasty weather. I always carry insulated coveralls with me! We would be happy to have you move close to us!!!!
We have had Chris Ross from Idaho come to a couple of our shoots and as Jeff said many of the Washington shooters are talking about making the trip. I am sure once they do they will be back!!!!
Lethbridge used to hold a lot of matches. As is common in any type of shooting sport one or two people are largely responsible for it happening. In lethbridge it was Frank Leggingwell. When Frank passed away it came to a grinding hault. His wife is still alive and an excellent shot. I wouldn't doubt that they still have all of the equipment to host matches. I for one would never miss a match as long as your schedule didn't conflict with ours. I would be willing to join your club and help you with the matches. You are also welcome to come to Calgary matches and see it first hand. We need to talk about this. I am sending you and email today.