10/22 BR class



Has anyone given any thought to having/starting a benchrest class for 10/22.
I am in no way saying that 10/22 base rifles can compet wth what you guys are shooting, Halls, Turbos, 40X's.......But this class might be a good way to generate new shooters to your sport. They may start out with the 10/22 class and then make the transition to the Bolt action class " for lack of a better term"......Just a thought.

PS: I for one would compet in the 10/22 class with my Kidd build.
haul it down

take it to an ara match where ya run what ya brung, take a shell catcher and a bolt flag;..don't expect a
brand specific rifle match, unless enough of 10/22 owners can get together in one place
Over on Rimfire Central, arguable the 10/22 forum, they have both 25 and 50 yards online matches using the USBR target. Even free, they get very little participation. So far this month they have 5 entries for 25 yards and 1 for 50 yards and this includes the whole country.
I shoot in a long range benchrest silhouette match where they have a class for just about anything. The only semi-auto I have seen is my custom AR15 in 22 mag. I would have thought the 10/22 fans would be well represented in this match format but that has not been the case.
10/22's welcome!

I'm an ARA match director in San Diego. I started benchrest with a 10/22. I very quickly learned that I wasn't ever going to win a target let alone a match with my plinker. I did have fun trying to better my scores and experiment with different tweeks to make Ruger perform. I soon joined the arms race and bought a second hand 40X benchgun. We get 10/22 shooters at our matches and we are trying to get more. We do announce scores and have an unofficial sporter division, usually won by a stock Annie or CZ. If we ever get more than one 10/22 to show up we'll give them their own unofficial division. "New shooters are ALWAYS WELCOME!" is how we grow the sport. The guy with the $200.00 Wal Mart gun shooting sorted Wolf is allowed to have just as much fun as anybody else.

p.s. Thanks to all the Vets and God bless my dad
I do think it might be fun to have a semi auto BR match with a very short time allowed, say 5 or 7 mins for 25 record shots. Heck, you wouldn't even have to limit it to semi's even though they would have an advantage on rate of fire. A bolt action repeater might have a bit of an accuracy advantage but the rate of fire aspect might favor the semi.
The club where I shoot holds a Vintage Benchrest match one Saturday night every month. At the end of the last match, the founders decided to split off the autoloaders into a separate Sporter class for the remainder of the season. Several of us are shooting rifles with 10/22 recievers or custom rifles. We'll see how it shakes out in the end, I thought the change was a little soon as the bolt guns shot rifle along with the autoloaders in the last match.
short time limit BR

Ray, we shoot the USBR tgt at 50 yds, unlimited sighters and 25 record bulls, with a 3 minute time limit, off sandbags, no flags, just 'chase the spotter'. its a ball. Seymour Fish
WOW, 7.2 seconds per shot. I can just imagine the wind really start blowing right as the 'Fire' command is given :)

Personally I find the 'no flags' rules not to my liking. Part of RF BR is knowing where to hold for a condition. Example- yesterday I was shooting my Annie at 50 yds, RBA target. I got done and took the ammo from my bench and put it in my shooters box. I had to move another box of ammo and noticed it was very light. Open it up, one round in it :) Hmmm I thought. Here is you a real test. I went back to the bench put the one round in looked at the condition, green from about 9:00, couple MPH. I held a litte high and a little right and sent that one round dead nuts down the center. It was pretty cool. Can't do that without flags [ and a windrose since my memory is so bad :) ].
Back in the BR50 days, we had a match where you shot as fast as you could. Fastest time won. Had to have only one shot per bull. Best I could ever do was 2 minute 15 seconds for 25 shots. No 10/22, just an old 52D. That still didn't win.
When I was a Winter Texan, the club I belonged to down in Mission, Texas started the RFC "On-Line-Matches". That was back in January of 2001. Most of the rifles when we started were Ruger 10/22s.

When I came home to Michigan, we got the local rimfire guys doing the same course of fire. At both clubs the 10/22 was most popular. Most of the other shooters that joined us from all parts of the country were also shooting Rugers.
Some moved up to the Ulimited Class and others faded away. By 2003 we could see a real decline in Rugers as the Unlimited class grew. We saw this all across the country as well as in our local club.

We still offer a special class for Semi-Autos. In our club match last Sunday we had ONE semi-auto, and it was a Mossberg. 15 in the Unlimited class and 6 each in Sporter & Vintage Smallbore.

I like to think our club is doing better than average at building attendance, but we have not found the formula for bringing back the Semi-Auto.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)
Bring your 10/22 group down to New Braunfels. We'll let them shoot, and some lucky winner will recover the cost of his cheap ammo.
We are brand-spanking new at benchrest here in Central Iowa at the Poweshiek Co. Sportsmen's Assoc.--only two matches this Spring under USBR rules and targets. We don't have many local target rifles, other than vintage Rem. 40Xs and Winchester 75s and 52s, plus some Anschutzes that come over from NRA smallbore prone, but we have had three or four 10/22s for each match. Only one was stock Sporter, and the rest went into Custom or Unlimited with aftermarket target barrels, hammers, and triggers. None of these have "won" a division yet. We probably just don't know better than to shoot 10/22s in benchrest competition, but, my, we are having fun.
Fred, been threatening to since I showed up and shot that ugly Suhl with you boys in '04-'05. Up near Texarkana now. Christ they are shooting some scores. reviewed targets: best clackers will do for score is 1950 ARA, 242 USBR, 244 IR 50/50. 'Bout 6-8 X. Will shoot some groups (!) at times. To get 'em to this level requires lot testing and good ammo with all the requisite costs, thus they are more useful in a 'no flags-just guts' money shoot- group or score. otherwise a bit of a waste of good ammo and $$$. They will do ok in silhouette if you can time the trigger, which is tricky but doable, as the lock time will never match a good boltaction. If you chamber one tight enough to shoot to this level, chamber cleaning becomes critical, and I do mean CRITICAL, for safety as well as accuracy. Have one with a cheap aftermarket barrel which borescopes like 50 miles of bad road, which is entirely bedded with RTV Silicone, and which is beautifully predictable in strong winds with old orange/red box Lapua. It will run 40 silhouettes in a row shooting out of old chair on the porch, with current run bulk Federal. Satisfying , on the cheap. Think about you and your gang often. Charlie Moore
Hello I started a shoot in Bandera Texas, we cater to 10/22 the name of our club is Bandera Bench Busters we mostly shoot 10/22’s, a few Anschutz and Winchesters. We also have some CZs and Remington 541. There are 3 classes unlimited, which are for the most part tricked out 10/22 a lot of Kidd guns, and then we have a stock class which most of us call plinkers and open sight class. We are not a member of anything but of ourselves. I started this for the average Joe, and we are in our third year. We are growing every year, this year we are giving out 20 buckles. There are 11 shoots, and we were able to get the kids sponsored so they can shoot for free. We try to keep it light and have a blast. Check us out at www. banderabenchbusters.com
I held a 10/22 fun shoot at our club. Advertised it for a month prior to the shoot, and had a few questions but not overwhelmed. The day of the shoot, I was amazed at the number of guys who turned out with them!!!!! Even with some of the custom builds that were there, a factory target 10/22 won the whole thing. I used an IBS 50yd target, the green one, @ 50yds and no limits on anything. I still have requests for another one, so as soon as nice weather comes, I'll do it again.
I've brought up the idea of a 'Factory Stock' class at IR50/50 matches. It's always said that the Sporter class covers that. But the sporters that I see are all custom hand-made rigs costing thousands.

I'm suggesting off-the-shelf rimfire rifles with no modifications except trigger jobs and bedding, maybe a limit on the scope. No custom barrels, custom stocks, tricked out rests. Maybe even divide it into youth and adult categories. That way, kids can get into it without parents investing a fortune and us poor slobs with only their Savage BV's to work with can be competitive.
Sounds good but it really doesn't work. Either someone shows up with his factory stock Anny 54 or someone shows up with his plinker tricked out with everything you can do to one but claiming it's stock. Sporters are in fact the most expensive class to be competitive in. The cheapest way to being competitive is to buy a used bench gun and find someone in the game to mentor you as to what it takes.