1,000 yard gun



My next project is to build a gun for long range varmint hunting. I know it's not competition, but it's still up the same alley. I don't know much about long range. Any recommendations on calibers, barrel lengths, barrel diameters? Do you use a base with built in MOA or are there special mounts, scopes for this type distance?



What is your budget for this project? Then we can figure out what you should build.
Once you start shooting past 600 yards you are in a different world.

If you don't have shooting out to 600 yards mastered, it will be difficult for you to build your first 1000 yard gun correctly.

A long range rifle is much more than choosing the right caliber and cartridge. You are on the right track because of your question about bases with MOA "look down". The best you could do in this case would be to caculate the needed "look down" and have the bases machined, with what you need, while mounted on your trued action.

This is going to be a long thoughtful process and I have only tickled one edge.

Your gunsmith will need to be a trusted "Master" in the long range rifles. Listen to the "Master" and pay your money.

Aaaaaaaaaa shooting squirrels at 1000 yards is sort of like artillery pratice, so you will need a good spotter;-)=

The wind is your friend.
Robert, If you planning a long range gun or using your present gun as a start? A HV. barrel to finish at 28" and it would be chambered in a Dasher with a .135 free bore. and you will need a 20 min base or a weaver or pic. rail and use Burris signature rings,they have 0 and +-10 inserts so you can get 20 min. The Dasher is super accurate from 100 - 1000 yds. and it don't beat you up and you can break cay birds all day at 1K…… jim
I know I need to be proficient out to 600. This project isn't going to be a quick one. It'll probably be a while because I'll pay for it a little at a time. As far as a budget, I'm not going to skimp, but not go completely overboard.

jim1k - Can I correctly assume you're referring to the 6mm Dasher? I'm not very well versed in many wildcats. What cartridge is the Dasher based off of? Also, 0.135 freebore, how do you come up with the amount of freebore? I have seen on PTGs site that they have reamers with different amounts of freebore. What exactly does this allow for or allow you to do?

Thanks for taking time for my questions,

Robert, i have had many Dasher reamers, and the .135 fb. was the best with the Spencer 103, the Berger 105H and the BIB 104's. The Dasher is a improved 6 BR case and if you need the reamer print# pm me. What does it allow me to do? shoot groups in the zero's 100yds. and 2" groups at 1000 yds. So 600 should be easy………… jim
My next project is to build a gun for long range varmint hunting. I know it's not competition, but it's still up the same alley. I don't know much about long range. Any recommendations on calibers, barrel lengths, barrel diameters? Do you use a base with built in MOA or are there special mounts, scopes for this type distance?

Here's a question back at you: Did you try a Google search? There are multi-thousand posts on various shooting forums about long range shooting -- including this very website, under the 600/1,000y BR forum -- be it F-Class, Palma, the aforementioned long range benchrest, varminting, or hunting.

Seek and ye shall find. Grab some egg nog and start reading. Pay your money and take your chance. :cool:
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