Camp Maria's Indoor USARB 25 yard match report for 12/22/2018

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria's Indoor USARB 25 yard match report for 12/22/2018

We found the Saturday morning to be breezy right out of the north. The four open bay doors on the north end gave us no protection from the cold damp windy breezes. We only shot one relay.

Name Class Equipment/Cal. T1 Score x's T2 Score x's T3 Score x's Total Score Total x'
Relay 1
Matt Spradlin HV Thomas 177 T1 244 10x T2 239 3x T3 242 6x Total Score 725 19x
Dave Zinski HV FWB 800 FT 177 T1 245 5x T2 246 7x T3 246 8x Total Score 737 20x
John Parrish shot testing his equipment

Dave Zinski Match Director

Email dzinski@msn.com
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