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  1. V

    Bank of America

    Do you NOT think this news item is not important enough for you and others to know? If not for Keith Myer's posting this thread, I would not have taken notice of the larger scheme involved, which is Eric Holder's "Operation Check Point" which is an attempt to defund gun and ammo manufacturers...
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    Bank of America

    This Bank of America action is all part of a broader scheme hosted by none other then Eric Holder and his "Department of Justice". The DOJ and the FDIC have been pressuring banks not do do business with gun manufacturers. It's all an effort by Bummer and his sand box buddy Eric that they named...
  3. V

    Bank of America

    I was not aware of Bank of America's anti-gun position. What a contemptuous and bombastic in-your-face attitude for them to exercise against clients who are not breaking any laws or doing anything unethical. With the vast majority of states that now have shall-issue concealed handgun...
  4. V

    A Downward Sprial

    Please do not take this in any cynical manner, as no offense at all is intended, but your membership here is exactly what I was referring to when I stated; "Just like a group of "regulars" at the neighborhood bar, it seems that there is a small "clique"of loyalists here that can be relied on to...
  5. V

    A Downward Sprial

    Well, since a thread has been started.......... ......and since the "cook and bottle washer" here wants to know.......I'll try to give my 2¢ .....respectfully of course. I hope it will be taken as constructive criticism. Here goes; I have observed this phenomena or "downward spiral" of...
  6. V

    Got a new toy today

    I do all kinds of hands-on hobbies requiring art and detail, but this sought of thing makes one blue with envy the talent and skills some folks have that I could never dream of having. Very, very nice!
  7. V

    Posting pictures from photobucket

    Don't forget to go into your photobucket account settings and to make your albums private........ unless you don't mind everybody going in there and viewing every photo you have.
  8. V

    Reloading Scales

    Good grief.....I was going to reply with input when I happened to look at the date the thread was started!!! Alanblunt24, You do know that you dredged up this OP's thread and question that was posted from before Thanksgiving of last year?
  9. V

    Illinois Concealed Carry

    Get use to it! With the chances of a Democrat President in the oval office for as far as the eye can see, it wil never happen. We will always be too busy fighting those Democrat b**tards just to keep what we have.....never mind an expansion of our rights.
  10. V

    brux barrels

    When ordering two barrels with custom contours on two seperate occassions, I've spoken with both Norman and Ken over there at Brux. They are always very helpful and patient and have never made me feel like I might be taking up too much of their time on the phone. I just finished breaking in and...
  11. V

    Mixing different lots of powder......

    Naaaa.....sometimes the effort involved in setting up loads for a test is no faster or easier then just going to the range and shooting them as I would any other new group of handloads, and seeing how they do. The general consensus here is not to worry.......and being I'm not going to use them...
  12. V

    Mixing different lots of powder......

    Thanks gents for the reassurance. With price and availability issues of powders these days, I really do prefer to be able to continue to use it for any new loads I might want to develop in the future......and be able to consider it really no different then the next can of Varget powder.
  13. V

    Mixing different lots of powder......

    Ooops......I had about 5 brass cases worth, or about 250 grains worth of Varget powder left over at the bottom of the can, and threw it into another 1lb varget canister that was 3/4 full. I mistakenly thought they were the same lot. I have always tried to follow the golden rule that you should...
  14. V

    For those of us with ringing in our ears...

    Getting away from the topic of Taurine just a moment, and focusing on the option of surgery; The thought of having another human (ie; a surgeon) jack with my inner ear SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME. All they have to do is screw up your equilibrium and you can spend the rest of your days walking...
  15. V


    Yes.....the game was indeed one sided and kind of boring. But awww come-on ...... the half time show was good! Even for a 60 year old stick in the mud like me who doesn't drink, dance, or party, it was hard not to enjoy seeing that kid from mars doing that fast James Brown foot work and...
  16. V


    Yes, and for whomever is a Broncos fan, the 2nd half didn't get looking too much prettier either. I think most of us knew it was all but over by the beginning of the 2nd half with that Kick Return.
  17. V

    CAUTION Leaning your guns in your car!!!!!!!!!!!

    If I remember the last time that it happened to me, topic title misspelling cannot be edited here in BRC once it is posted. Upon reading the topic, the image of a rifle sliding off the side of a car was exactly what came to mind, and I was expecting to see photos of a very badly dented rifle...
  18. V

    Stolen Rifle

    What a damn shame that such a beautiful rifle ended up like that. It was bad enough they stole it to begin with......but then they had to go destroy it? There's so many low forms of modern day neanderthal man walking the streets that care nothing about the grief they cause for others and only...
  19. V

    Post Office

    I've have almost always had good luck with the USPS, whether it be my shipping a rifle to an FFL dealer out of state, or receiving a package from Amazon or Midway. I really think that fast and dependable service has a lot to do with both points (sending and receiving) being established points on...
  20. V

    NYC gun owners shafted again??

    Writing your NY politician to tell him that you want him to reverse the gun laws of your city or state is futile. MOVE! Writing your congressman, waiting for the next election, and maintaining a positive attitude does nothing for you when your plane is on fire and has been in a downward spiral...