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  1. B

    Does cleaning brass cases help accuracy?

    Some go to show their shiny stuff and some go to shoot 1 hole groups, I always pull for the shooter that has the junkie looking stuff 🤷‍♂️
  2. B

    Most important

    Yes I do, Im not taking up the other guys fight but are you saying anybody that’s asking questions here about building an “accurate rifle“ should not ask here if there is a chance that rifle could be used for F Class? And yes some aspects of A FClass build is different than for straight Bench...
  3. B

    Most important

    Sounds to me like maybe he is just trying to learn enough so he can ask legitimate questions both here and at a match so he can maybe decide
  4. B


    Yes PRS and steel shooting seems to pull young shooters, I’ve got a friend that shoots PRS and I’ve try to get to shoot F class with but he said it looks boring and a old man kinda shooting
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    Well just wondering if any F Class shooters visit this site, not much talk lol
  6. B

    chasing a wildcat 6.5 gt

    Sounds like you put the leg in work to make it a shooter, keep us or at-lest me updated
  7. B

    Are 20 shots in 22 minutes to much in F Class

    I’ve seen a match you had 30 mins for sighters and 15 shots on each on two targets (a none official match) Just to bring this topic to the top