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  1. S

    I screwed up the paint job on my stock.

    Thank you sir. I sort of figured as much with those damn little fibers. I guess I'll see what happens this evening. Unless I get into the shrooms...
  2. S

    I screwed up the paint job on my stock.

    I haven't done anything in the way of body work on a car. If my girlfriend found out how much money I have wrapped up in my guns and rests she might kill me. Much less if I got into hotrods or classic cars. Those guys are crazy. I should be able to get it all buffed out without to many...
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    I screwed up the paint job on my stock.

    I have all kinds of sandpaper from 60 to 2000 grit. Out of curiosity why use sandpaper vs extra fine steel wool. Also why do I want to wet sand as compare to dry sanding? I'm only asking because I like to know why and how to do something a certain way. That way when someone asks me, I like to...
  4. S

    I screwed up the paint job on my stock.

    Well I finally got the suhl 150 stock modified to my liking and it was time to paint that bad boy. I got it sprayed yesterday in between rounds of mushroom hunting. It turned out looking really nice and then I screwed it up today by handling it before it was fully cured. I am hoping that a light...
  5. S

    Got a new to me Protektor 55 rear bag.

    Well I ended up just using sorted creek sand. And instead of using the bag I gave it away. Here is a picture of the bag and recipient. I might have to take it away from him if he starts beating me. The setup in the background is mine.
  6. S

    Got a new to me Protektor 55 rear bag.

    Is beach sand any different than the sand in my creek out back? Just granual size or how it packs? I have beach sand but my female maroon clown will attack me with a vengeance and all my other tank inhabits would be upset.
  7. S

    First beatdown of the year. I'm still stoked though.

    Yep. I'm guessing my match description was pretty accurate. And I'm assuming that you are one of the younger gentlemen that layed a whooping on me. It's all good though because it is just making me want to get out to dads and do some practicing. Also I might have figured out the trigger on that...
  8. S

    Got a new to me Protektor 55 rear bag.

    Also I kind of prefer a tighter bag, I think. I'm still pretty new to this damn addiction but I figure if I keep throwing money at it then eventually I might be satisfied.
  9. S

    Got a new to me Protektor 55 rear bag.

    Is the dry talc powder to fill in the area between the sand? And what happens if it would take on moisture?
  10. S

    Got a new to me Protektor 55 rear bag.

    I was scouring around on ebay and ran across a lightly used Protektor 55b which is the loaf style. It was 70 bucks with free shipping so I bought it. Then I went back and looked and the guy said that he is shipping it unfilled unless I want to pay extra. So what should I do as for a filling in...
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    First beatdown of the year. I'm still stoked though.

    Our first shoot of the year was yesterday. It was an aspirin shoot in the windiest conditions I've shot so far, going into my second year of club competition. I tied for last place but I couldn't have been happier. Here is why I'm stoked about my hind teat finish. I finally got to shoot my...
  12. S

    Modified factory stock. Anyone use one? Here is mine.

    I picked up a suhl 150 this winter that came with two original stocks. Me being kinda handy I went to town on it with a jigsaw and about $30 worth of sandpaper in order to shape it to ride the front and rear rest. My arms were aching and I was getting the death stare from my woman for doing all...
  13. S

    First attempt to make wind flags. Prototype pics included.

    I have realized as I've gotten a little older how much I enjoy collecting and shooting old target rifles. The saying that they dont make them like they used to seems readily apparent when handling the old guns compared to newer offerings. I have a Steven's 416 coming my way in a week or so. And...
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    First attempt to make wind flags. Prototype pics included.

    Sorry for not responding lately, I had to get my tax information together for my first year as a small business. Whoo I survived. My flags seem to work quite well at telling the switch. I think that they will function just fine for our small local matches as long as I can learn to use them...
  15. S

    First attempt to make wind flags. Prototype pics included.

    Mr. Ezell thank you for the complaint on my flags. I figured it was a good project for my dad who just closed his gun shop after 20 years due to Illinois politics. This is my second year of shooting at the small local club with a bunch of old farts. I'm the only "kid" that shoots out there. Most...
  16. S

    First attempt to make wind flags. Prototype pics included.

    Well is seems that wind flags are necessary to shoot accurately but they cost so much that I decided to build my own with the help of my dad and these are what we came up with. Right now they are just pivoting on the delrin shoulder but we are doing another that will ride on ball bearings. We...
  17. S

    Need bedding help on suhl 150

    I am currently trying to pillar and devcon my action but I am having no luck getting the loading ramp/single shot adapter out. I removed the clip holding the ejector in and the ejector will move up some but not all the way out. When I do that the rear of the loading ramp will come up a little...