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  1. L

    Does left hand shooter need left hand rifle?

    No decision yet No, I haven’t made a decision, and I do very much appreciate everyone that had taken the time to reply. I think I need to spend some more time at the range talking to knowledgeable shooters and maybe trying some guns before making any purchase. Also, I’ll keep reading these...
  2. L

    Does left hand shooter need left hand rifle?

    Thanks for the replies Thanks for the answers. This shows that I don’t have a clue about what I don’t know. It never occurred to me that eye dominance made any difference when you shot with a scope. I obviously need to read these forums a lot more before I jump into this sport. Or, I can spend...
  3. L

    Does left hand shooter need left hand rifle?

    I’m left handed and thinking about getting into long range shooting. I think buying a used gun and scope at the beginning makes the most sense. That said, there aren’t many left hand guns offered. As a kid, a long, long time ago, I shot .22 indoor 4 position and used a right hand gun because...