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    ASC June ‘24 Varmint for Score / Group Match Results

    ASC June ‘24 Varmint for Score / Group Match Results Fair weather, although hot, prevailed for Saturday’s double header at Arlington Sportsman’s Club. Twelve shooters turned out for the morning VFS match. Kyle Schultz dominated the competition, shooting a perfect 250-25X and establishing a...
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    ACS May ‘24 Varmint For Score Match Results

    Seventeen shooters took the firing line at Saturday’s VFS match at Arlington Sportsman’s Club. It was a warm muggy start with temps and humidity in the 80’s. The wind was nonexistent at the starts and only picked up slightly by target 5. Kyle Shultz dominated the field with a club record tying...
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    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    If you guys are still looking, theirs a Leupold Competition VX-3 6x42 on E-Bay right now. Looks like it's going to bring $500 or better. You'll need to hurry, ends tomorrow.
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    New Railgun

    Excellent photos, perfect lighting. Nice looking gun too.
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    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    What is your budget on scope weight? Variable power scopes are allowed if taped, gota think their are some variables available that could fill-the-bill.
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    October ASC VFS Match Results & Championship

    Last VFS match of the ’23 season at Arlington Sportsman Club (ACS) shot today. Conditions were wet and muddy early with medium to heavy rain during set-up and match one. Thankfully the rain let up by match two and on. Temp’s in the 50’s with a 5-10 MPH wind out of the North. Jerry Turner shot...
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    Remington Bolt handle re-location

    If I'm understanding this correctly, this video is an example of "what not to do"?
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    Neck interference fit

    "adjust your die a tad down to maintain" How? remove material from shell holder or maybe the bottom of the die? I have three different presses, none of which have any means of positive stop that would allow for a repeatable stroke (short of contact between shell holder and die)?