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  1. H

    Has anyone perfected a 6.5 Creedmoor case from 308 brass?

    357 Mag, For Sure. Soon as they come out of die I trim for length and before loading I run them through my Marquart tool.
  2. H

    Has anyone perfected a 6.5 Creedmoor case from 308 brass?

    I just got a 6.5 Creedmoor after looking around it seems it can be made from 308 of which I have a pile of once fired 308 cases. What I have so far: 6.5 Creedmoor dies 6.5 Creedmore shoulder bump die I have been making cases and so far I have refined the process by first running empty 308...
  3. H

    Anti Gun Law just filed

    Tim, hope you are right and no more floats up. Tell the cops you know what it says and see what they say. Ones I know say its a crock.
  4. H

    Anti Gun Law just filed

    Federal HR 127 Licensing firearms, ammo and creating a public access registry has been proposed in the House. HR 127, proposed on Jan 4 , 2021, has had the text of the bill added online. It includes: Gun registration (who, what, where stored, etc); Insurance requirements; Psychological Testing...
  5. H

    Can any/all bolt actions break to fire when put in battery?

    Same for the 1903 series rifles.
  6. H

    Can any/all bolt actions break to fire when put in battery?

    Yes definitely can happen from several things: 1. someone did a trigger job and didn't adjust it right. 2. someone did a trigger job and over cut a sear surface and got into the soft metal under the hardened surface and it has worn to the point one/both are round causing a sear off condition. 3...