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  1. S

    2 Inch Barrier Broken. Matt Kline Sets New HG World Record in PA.

    Greg, you,ve hit the nail squarely on the head. To extend your corollary, it would take a 1" gun to break the 2" barrier. Also support your last sentence 110%.
  2. S

    2 Inch Barrier Broken. Matt Kline Sets New HG World Record in PA.

    In a quantative description where smaller is better, as in group shooting, or track events where time is measured, breaking a barrier means a number smaller than the barrier. In that sense, breaking the 2" barrier implies anything under 2". However, if that is the colloquial term, then so be it.
  3. S

    "Reading Wind" at 1000 yards in Benchrest competition. I want your opinion?

    I stand in awe of the achievements and results of 1K BR shooters, not one myself, but do shoot fullbore Targer Rifle in South Africa. Keep in mind that fullbore TR is shot from the prone position, off the elbows with only a jacket and sling for support, with iron sights. In most Commonwealth...