Search results

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    Postal Matches

    At one time Rimfire Central had postal matches listed not sure if what your interested in.
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    Rimfire Ammo

    weight sorting For those that weight sort mark and weigh your spent brass and see how it compairs with original weights.
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    Scope weights

    Thanks guys I'm going to shoot IR 50 10.50 class will have to put a Weaver 36 to make weight. Thanks
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    Scope weights

    What is weight of weaver 36 and Nightforce 15/45, trying to make 10.5 class?
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    anyone with barrel recomendations

    Killough Are barrels available?
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    anyone with barrel recomendations

    And who has it in stock Lots of good choices.
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    Nor I Being 85 years old and having shot with both Francis and Tim. Jim M
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    Build suggestions for a RF BR rifle

    Tkh These guys only shoot local, don't travel.
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    Build suggestions for a RF BR rifle

    Vudoo in match Club match, been beat by two and beat them. They will shoot in the hands that know how to select ammo.
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    McKeesport Sportsman Assoc. will start the 3 gun IR 50/50 season

    6 PPC shoots Genesee Pa has club shoots 100 200 yds, Dont have schedule.
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    Just saw on Facebook

    ARA Targets ARA target outside d about .5, outside d on factory about .848. Very close measurement. I'm not a machinist. This is the 100 ring.
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    Lot Testing With Tuner

    Bill Were the rimfire cases you used to reload with preprimed from mfg? Jim M
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    water in barrell Is it not the time between shoots for condensation to occur? (sp)
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    How about Shooting Coaches?

    And I've got beat that way Was asked why did you tell him.
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    Eley Match velocity vs 5-shot group size

    For what its worth I fire 3 shot grps to start the test of a new lot. If it looks good I will shot and score a ARA target. If I like the lot I give sample to two friends, have them shot it. If their tests concur with my results I order. At this point there may not be very much available. When...
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    Rem 40-X ?

    40X rimfire At our local club shoot some one is shooting a left hand 40X 22 rimfire, close examination looks to be a conversion (parts of scroll removed). The party shooting it had to convert to left hand shooting because of accident to right eye.
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    Scope zero/ wind reading.

    TrxR Do you use flags?
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    What causes "Droppers"

    If you have some idle time Weigh live rounds put back in box fire and weigh again.
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    What causes "Droppers"

    droppers Wind???????????????????????????
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    Lot Testing With Tuner

    Ely Analyzer Is no longer accessible, I liked it to pick test lots, didn't have to do as many test lots to find one wanted to go with.