Search results

  1. H

    Ubr match cancellations

    Check schedule or call match director before travelling to matches as some are already cancelled Thanks Danny
  2. H

    River Bend Gun Club's 2018 Centerfire Benchrest Match Results

    Hey guys if you would send me those results for UBR I would get them on the website Danny thanks much
  3. H

    A question about UBR

    It is about hitting center, why do group shooters try to put the last four in the first one, accuracy starts in the middle and degenerates from there. A zero group is the best you can do score shooting is group shooting on different bulls.
  4. H

    A question about UBR

    Reply to Jackie Jackie I'll try to answer you so please bear with me as simple math causes me headaches. The target was designed on the .30 cal side simply because that was and is the go to cartridge in scoring formats. The size of rings was determined because I wanted just a little harder or...
  5. H

    Score Shooters Showdown

    S.s.s. Just for the record Jim I like the idea of what you're trying to do, however UBR leadership cannot make it encumbent on our shooters to use a .30 cal just to play the game, hopefully this can be understood. I think our shooters can compete with anyone has we have demonstrated time and...
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    private message I'll try it again
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    private message Just a question on the scope for sale
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    You have a private message Jackie
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    UBR SSOY partial results

    Results are tabulated for those who shot the required number of matches, full results will follow URL=""][/URL]
  10. H

    Tom brooks 2nd memorial match

    Announcing the 2nd Tom Brooks Match which is a 100, 200 and 300 yd score match in the ever growing Ultimate Benchrest series, This is a one day match with dinner provided with mom's popular Rhubarb pie as dessert. Match date is June 27, starting at 9:00am Jonesville, VA at Rocky Road Rifle...
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    Need help at the Shamrock

    Thanks Jerry, I'll take you up on your offer, if something should come up please let me know as Dan Honert has also said he would pick them up, but you are an hour closer than Dan. Thanks guys.
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    Need help at the Shamrock

    Three or so weeks ago I visited the Riverbend Gun Club and left my wind flags there Jim Andress has graciously volunteered to bring them to the Shamrock. I'm looking for someone from the Knoxville or Johnson City/Kingsport, Tn area to pick them up. I would rather drive 2 hours to pick them up as...
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    Partial SSOY UBR
  14. H

    Ubr ssoy results again
  15. H

    Ubr ssoy updates

    This is not a complete list only top fives or so as Unlimited Class only has three that has qualified. All matches through Sept. 30 are included. FACTORY CLASS: Joey Gregory----150.38 John Kruzan-----149.30 Danny...
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    Update on new record

    Congratulations are in order for Rick Fox who set the new standard in UNLIMITED CLASS for UBR shooters a couple of weeks ago by shootin a new 200yd record ( 254) and an all time high Grand AGG. in all classes (514). Guys he's making it hard on us this year.
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    Two Brother UBR match

    new records Hey Rick were all range rules followed and backers present? LOL
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    UBR website updated and Feb. results posted

    Check out whats new this year there are some changes
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    UBR SSOY results Another sucessful year behind us I wish to congratulate everyone who made an effort to support UBR with their presence and the sportsmanship all exhibited. Next year is just around the corner with the hope of new formats which includes the...
  20. H

    Results for ubr nationals are posted