Search results

  1. mwezell

    This is STILL...

    the place for REAL discussion related to accuracy. The other place is apparently driven by subscriptions and donations. I hope this site can grow, at least to where it once was. This place was always truth driven, even if it didn't please everyone. I love that. I'll try to move some threads over...
  2. mwezell

    April UBR schedule

    Ya'll find a match and come shoot! It'll be a good time!
  3. mwezell

    Vibrations...good and bad.

    Reading the thread about ejectors and a few more over time got me thinking about discussions I've had with people over the last several years and how vibration analysis testing applies to some of those discussions. First, I wanna say that we can't eliminate all vibration and that we should NOT...
  4. mwezell

    2023 UBR 100/200 Nationals

    The UBR Nats begin tomorrow. Want to wish everyone safe travels both ways and good luck this weekend. I look forward to seeing everyone this afternoon. Somewhere around 100 guns registered. Not sure of the latest tally. I think there were a few late cancellations and maybe a few late entries...
  5. mwezell

    Good to see..

    Good to see this place slowly but surely coming back to life. It's still the best BR related site there is. Lots of good and knowledgeable people on here. Lets keep it up. I kinda like the "hometown feel" around here. That other site is good too but it seems to have gone away from its roots a...
  6. mwezell

    Brought home a Heavy 10

    Brought a nice little South Bend 10L home on Wednesday. I don't quite have it set up yet but I plan to put a quick change tool post on it. What are most using on this size machine? Does a BXA work ok? I'm set up with CXA stuff but I'm betting it's a little too big. Thanks in advance!--Mike Oh...
  7. mwezell

    December Tuner Sale!!

    Wilbur, I hope this is ok. If not, please delete this post. I just posted a Christmas sale on our tuners in the classifieds. I'll be donating to Wilbur and this site, that has been the go to source for all things BR, for so long! Thank you for providing this place, where we can all gather and...
  8. mwezell

    New tuners are done!

    5 ounces of just plain sexy! They took some engineering to get them just the way I wanted. Biggest issue was years of giving instructions on how to use my previous model had to apply to the new lighter model. Less weight, center of gravity moved forward and new mark values...and here she is...
  9. mwezell

    Ubr Nationals live results

    Scores after match 1
  10. mwezell

    Gene Beggs, check in..

    Gene, please check in and let us know you're ok..
  11. mwezell

    UBR Nationals Registration!!

    The UBR National Championship is to be held at Boyle County Fish and Game Club in Junction City Ky. on Friday and Saturday, September 13 and 14. Start times are 9am on Friday and 8 am on Saturday. UBR offers factory, modified, custom and unlimited classes, so there is a class for everyone. It...
  12. mwezell

    Attn UBR Shooters!

    Ya'll wanna have some fun? The UBR Nationals are September 13th and 14th. I wonder if there'd be any interest in a friendly competition between the states represented there. We could put a few bucks each into a pot, take the aggs of each shooter, from each state..add them and avg them to come...
  13. mwezell

    Shamrock day 1

    Was just sent these. Thought I'd post here. Congrats Billy and Craig! I heard the wind blew a little bit. Lol!
  14. mwezell

    Dickie Land

    I tried to reply to your email but it bounces back, as undeliverable. Please call when you have a minute.--Mike 270-792-1436
  15. mwezell

    New Ezell "PDT" Tuners!!

    I've mentioned to several people on here that I'd announce any changes I make to my tuner design. I hope you'll all allow me to make this one announcement. I'd like to get word out to as many people as possible, here...where we Benchrest shooters reside. When I started making tuners, the few...
  16. mwezell

    Which do you prefer and why...

    Given equal opportunity and resources, do you prefer short range group or score and why?
  17. mwezell

    2017 UBR 100/200 Nationals...

    Not sure if I've seen anything posted about this yet so I thought I'd put it here. The UBR Score Nationals are coming up at Buckcreek in Somerset, Ky on September 15 and 16th. This is a Friday and Saturday match schedule due to a church being right down the road from the range., instead of the...
  18. mwezell

    31.0 gr. N133

    31.0 gr. N133 in a 6 Grendel Here's what 31.0gr of 133 looks like in a 6 Grendel case. L-R...slow pour into a funnel, comfortable pour down the side of the funnel and just dumping it in. Sorry for the poor pic but you get the idea. With a long drop tube I think 33.0 will go. 32.5 isn't too...
  19. mwezell

    Hood scope checkers

    Wilbur, if this is not allowed, please move or remove as necessary. After seeing a fair amount of demand has been expressed, I have contacted Charlie Hood and received his blessing for bringing back the Hood scope checkers. I'm very early in the process but hope to have a price set in a few...
  20. mwezell

    Jimmy Cline

    Jim, would you contact me please? Thanks!--Mike Ezell